Where Angels Go Trouble Follows (James Neilson 1968)Click here to download subtitles file for the movie "Where Angels Go Trouble Follows (James Neilson 1968)"Get Paid for using YouTube!
Not a single arrest today, Mother. Don't get discouraged. I'm sure you'll do better next time. You were great, Sister George. What do you mean, Sister George? That's St. George, the dragon killer. - Did you hear that, Mother? - I did. And you're looking at one dragon St. George isn't going to kill. Have you discussed the youth rally with the sisters? Oh, yes. We've talked about it. I can't say they're entirely enthusiastic, Your Excellency. Except for Sister George. But then, going on the rally was her idea in the first place. And a very good idea. The Church wants our young people involved, Mother. There are great changes in the air. And Sister George is close to what's happening with our youths. Do you mind if I'm not exactly crazy about what's happening with our youth? You haven't expressed your feelings about the rally. Let's say I'm trying to keep an open mind, although I do have reservations. It is a long trip. 3,000 miles by bus. That's not what I meant, Your Excellency. Now that you mention it, if we go to a rally... couldn't we go to one closer to home? That's not a bad thought. Perhaps you and Sister George can organize one in this area. That's not what I meant, either. Of course, I realize that there isn't much time in which to prepare... for such a long journey. You may not be able to cope with it. Anyone who's coped with adolescent girls... for 20 years and survived can cope with anything. Splendid. Then it's all settled. - What's settled? - That you're going to the rally. - That isn't what I said, Your Excellency. - You'd rather Sister George took the girls? I should say not. That bus doesn't leave with my girls unless I'm on it. Then it is all settled. You're making the trip, too. No. You see, I was trying... You trapped me, Your Excellency. If I did, it'll be the first time I've been able to beat you at your own game. Put aside your reservations, Mother. I'm sure you're going to enjoy every minute of it. - I doubt it, but I'll try. - I envy you. It's going to be a wonderful experience. We really should congratulate Sister George... for suggesting that St. Francis participate in the rally. Yes, of course, Your Excellency. We need Sister George, Mother. She's a dynamic force. But she does need direction. And with your help, she'll make an important contribution. You've been very patient with her, and I know it's been trying. In fact, sometimes I wonder how you've been able to take it. I pray a lot. Well, you couldn't find a better place to pray in. There's such serenity here. Such peace. For these rare blessings, we should give thanks to... Sister George. It worked! Of course it worked. What did you expect? I expect you to run a class, not a training school for mad bombers. Teaching children to make bombs is not part of our curriculum, Sister George. My lecture was intended to alert the class... to the dangers in ordinary household chemicals. I certainly never expected the girls to use that information to make a bomb. - Who would? - I would. But then I've had 20 years in which to familiarize myself... with the Machiavellian workings of the adolescent mind. And you're relatively new at it. I'm also aware that we lack certain facilities that you were accustomed to... at your former post, and that our building is antiquated. Not half as antiquated as some of the sisters. They are dedicated nuns and teachers... and St. Francis has one of the highest scholastic standings in the state. When our girls leave here, Sister, they are educated. They're literate, not educated. There is a difference, Mother. There is a whole world outside of St. Francis. And these girls should know about it. That's true. But first we must do our job. So in the future, please try to remember... that when you plant a seed in a mind like Rosabelle's... chances are you will get an explosion, not a flower. I called you together because I have very important news for you. St. Francis will definitely participate in the Interfaith Youth Rally... to be held in Santa Barbara, California. His Excellency is very enthusiastic about the project. - Bless him! - Then we're really going. It'll be a new experience for us. The rally will be interfaith, interracial and coeducational. Coeducational? With boys? The expenses will run about $150 for each girl... and those chosen to go will have to contact their parents. We're leaving the day after graduation, so we have a lot to do. Sister Rose Marie will get in touch with our schools across the country... and make sleeping arrangements, Sister Clarissa will drive the bus... and Sister Celestine will arrange a music program to be presented at the rally. And, Sister George, I'd like you to prepare an art and science display... to show the other schools there the kind of things we're doing here. - I'll get right to it, Mother. - Sister George... before I forget it... His Excellency asked me to congratulate you. For the bombing? For suggesting that St. Francis take part in the rally. I ask you Sisters to recommend students you think should go... - based on certain qualifications. - What are the qualifications, Mother? Junior and senior girls, B average or better, and the... But, Mother, a B average? That will exclude so many well-rounded and creative students. A B average, cooperative attitudes, and reasonable hygiene habits. I guess that eliminates all my girls. Maybe if you looked under those turn-of-the-century gym suits... your girls wear... you might find one live one you could recommend. They're not turn-of-the-century. I designed those gym suits myself in 1946. More like 1846. Sisters, please. This is a community of nuns, not an army barracks. Boys! But, Daddy, it's only $150. That's cheaper than sending me to camp. And it's going to be very educational. There'll be folksingers. Folksingers aren't communists, Daddy. Only those with beards! Password. "Agent 007's the greatest thing since popcorn." Full house. We're taking reservations for Friday. - That's not fair. - So sue me. - Pay up. - Okay. I got it. Turn it down! Do you want to wake up the Gestapo? - You gave me a Canadian dime. - Tough. It sure is, because if you don't pay up, you're not going to get in anymore. And if you don't stop bugging me, I'll go to Reverend Mother... and tell her you're having orgies in the bathroom. Fink. - How are you doing? - $112.50 so far. Not bad, since we've only been in business for a few months. That's more than half of what you need to get you to the rally. - You'll make it. - Sure. All I have to do is get chosen. Reverend Mother thinks I'm the devil's disciple... with homicidal tendencies and overtones of psychotic neuroses. Nobody's perfect. - How's business? - Just fair. It's going to get worse. What pea-brain pulled the plug? As you're all such music lovers, you'll be delighted to know... that you're going to spend the next two weekends cleaning out the music room. Get Devon off the floor. As for you two, I'll see you in the morning. Boy, it's getting harder and harder to make that dollar around this place. And it's going to get even harder. As of now, St. Francis-A-Go-Go is out of business. All right, girls, on the double! Left, right, one, two. - I'll die if I don't get chosen. - Of course you'll get chosen. And so will I. After all, the qualifications are so elementary. B average, good social attitude, reasonable hygiene habits. That takes care of me. I got a D average. Reverend Mother says my attitude stinks, and I'm a slob. - Nobody's perfect. - Hey, we'll be late for class. Who wants to go to a stinking rally anyways? You're only saying that because you're not going. Shrivel up. - And you're not going either. - I'm straight A's, three years running. - Grabs you, don't it? - Not terribly. Grades only count for so much. You don't get points for blowing up the lab, except from Sister George. Bye. - I think I hate her. - So why should you be an exception? No chance, right? About as much as a snowball in... Hello, Sister George. What's our local mafia up to today? - We were just talking about the rally. - And how great it would be if we're chosen. It's going to be a memorable experience, and one that we'll cherish forever. You don't have to do a snow job on me. You know, I'm the one who suggested going to the rally to Mother. And I have the scars to prove it. You don't happen to know if we were chosen, do you? That's classified information. - But you know whether or not you qualify. - That's the trouble. You don't suppose Reverend Mother would break down and reconsider so we could go? Right now, Mother wouldn't give either one of you a free pass to a disaster. Isn't there anything we can do? You might try praying. Praying helps, but making a pitch can't hurt. I'll see what I can do. But I'm not promising it'll work. Meanwhile, cheer up. You want people to think St. Francis isn't a fun place? - Will you take care of these, Sister, please? - Testing. Testing. One, two, buckle my shoe. - Sister. - Watch out below! I'm sorry, Mother. It's for Sister Clarissa. She's been looking for it. I wasn't aware we were going by boat. It's not for sailing, Mother. It's for sitting. Thank you, Mother. There's nothing wrong with my hearing, Sister, yet. - C-rations? - For the trip. I really don't think we'll need them, Sister. C-rations. We're not going to war, Sister, we're going to California. What if we can't find a restaurant sometime? Then we'll live on nuts and berries, like the rest of the natives. Mother, I have a marvelous new poster to show you. - You like this sort of thing, Sister? - Very much. - It's a light bulb. - Of course. I think of it as a contemporary still life which reflects our culture. It's great. It's just great. I'm sorry, Sister. Ohio, Illinois, Oklahoma, New... New Mexico comes after Texas, Sister. How I love to hear the organ In the chapel in the moonlight As we're strolling down the aisle We're really not going to do that one at the rally, are we, Sister? We are. We have always sung it. It's tradition at St. Francis. Where roses entwine How about if, just this once, we blow tradition? Why don't you borrow some of Rosabelle's records... and get an idea of how the kids are swinging? Ask her for The Gorillas' new album. Got Wheels and I'm Going to Heaven, Baby. She makes the most outrageous suggestions. - Reverend Mother, I was supposed to... - We're not natives. Sisters, please. I'm going to talk to her again. I know you find many of her avant-garde ideas... more becoming to a coffeehouse than a convent. I do, too. But we are committed to make this trip, so let's make the best of things. I realize it isn't easy for you. But the world is changing, and if we're to be a part of it... rather than apart from it, we may have to make some changes, too. Even if we don't agree with everything, it's important that we keep an open mind. Don't you think so, Sisters? Brainwashed. Mother. - Did Sister Clarissa tell you about the bus? - What about the bus? The springs are shot, the radiator leaks, the clutch slips, the block's cracked... and we need new tires. - The bus will never make it cross-country. - It certainly will. Chuck, at the service station, said there's still plenty of life in it. Chuck, at the service station, doesn't know his gasket from a casket. The only thing holding that old jalopy together is a prayer. What's wrong with prayer? Nothing, Sister. Every time I get into that old heap, I pray to God... for a new bus! I can't tell you how grateful we are for the new bus, Mr. Clancy. - It's very generous of you. - My pleasure, Reverend Mother. Actually, I made a very good deal through one of our subsidiary companies... - and, after all, it is a tax deduction. - Yes, I know. Isn't it wonderful how our tax structure brings out the best in people? That's very good, Reverend Mother. Girls, line up for roll call. Devon, Janis... Sue Ellen. We'll take very good care of Marvel Ann, Mr. Clancy. - I know how you worry about her. - Yes, thank you. Naturally, I'll miss not being with her this summer. If my associates and I didn't have business to transact in Europe... I'd have her with me, of course. Of course. I really appreciate your taking her along on the rally. I realize that she didn't qualify exactly. Her grades... Other things were taken into consideration. Goodbye, Daddy. I'll write every day. Arrivedercil Barbara, Hilarie... Marvel Ann, and now Patty. Bye. Who you poking? I see your devoted, sore-loser friend didn't come to say goodbye. Rosabelle should've been chosen to go. Maybe Reverend Mother was afraid she'd blow up the bus. And, of course, the only reason you were chosen... is because your father donated the bus to St. Francis. Don't knock it. The only crummy thing your father ever donated to St. Francis was you. Mother, who is that? One of Mr. Clancy's business associates. Bye-bye. Take care. We're off and running. Weather ahead, clear and sunny. The red ones represent the genes, and the blue ones are the chromosomes. - What are the white ones for? - Ping-pong. Mother, it says here there's a wonderful zoo in St. Louis. I was wondering if we could visit there. I think the girls might enjoy that. We'll have to wait until we get... Stop the bus! Open the door. The only way to fly. There. That ought to hold it. Mother, I'm so glad you decided not to send Rosabelle home. It would break her heart. And she did show a great deal of initiative. Initiative, my foot. The only reason she's going along... is because it's too complicated to send her home. She did get written permission from her parents. To ride on the top of the bus? She'll have to borrow some clothes from someone. It's okay, Reverend Mother. All her clothes are in my suitcase. That figures. Shall we get the show on the road again, Sister? - Thank you, Sister. Come and see us again. - Thank you, we will. $12.40! My old bus wouldn't use that much gas in a month. It couldn't. It was usually in the garage, being repaired. All the girls on the bus, Sister? Everyone but Sister George, Rosabelle, and Marvel Ann. Where have they taken off to now? ...four, six, eight, Rotelle, we won't negotiate! One, two, three, four, patronize another store! Two, four, six, eight, Rotelle, we won't negotiate! One, two, three, four, patronize another store. Five, six, seven, nine... Get those three out of that line. - What is it, Sister? - The engine stalled. Keep your seats. Don't panic. The train's not in sight. Keep trying. Open the door. - I can't. It's stuck. - Oh, no! The emergency exit. Out the back door. Don't stop to take anything. Out of the bus. Out of the way! Open the door! I can't! It's jammed! Open the windows! Climb out the windows, girls! - I'll get the door from the outside! - Hurry, girls! Don't panic! It's stuck. Rosabelle, help me! Come on, girls, quickly. Hurry. Push! Mary Jo, go. Mary Jo, please, go. Come, darling. Sister, help me, please. It's the same at both ends, Sister. Mother, did you see what Sister George is doing? As Rosabelle says, "It's the only way to fly." Boy, wasn't that great? You get such a charge out of things. I don't know how you ever became a nun. I get a charge out of that, too. - Let's do it again! - Let's switch. - Better get those two out of there. - Yes, Mother. - Are you going on this one, too, Sister? - Sure. I'm going on everything. Oh, my, this is so exciting! I think we should get started. Round up the girls, Sister. - Where are they, Mother? - Wherever Sister George is. Considering the amount of time the girls spend with us... - I really don't know why we came along. - We were blackmailed. It's a lovely place, dear Sister. I hope the arrangements you've made across the country are as nice. Thank you, Mother. Boys! Hold it down, fellows! You've seen girls before. - I'm Father Chase. Welcome to St. Francis. - Thank you, Father. - They're boys. - I should hope so. St. Francis is a boys' school, Sister. This is our summer session. All right, fellows, let's get some of that luggage down. Please, don't. Were you aware when you made arrangements... that this was a boys' school, Sister Rose Marie? - Mother... - I made these arrangements, Mother. I see. Mother, we could use the emergency fund and go to a motel. No, we'll stay here, just as Sister George planned. All right, girls, get your things. We're spending the night here. Kids, hold it down. Mother, I'm sorry... Contain yourself, Sister. It's not the end of the world. But it could be the end of us... if we just sit around and wait for our arteries to harden... while the rest of the world is in a turmoil. I want to make a meaningful contribution. And I want to make it with joy. If I conduct myself like a 20th century woman... I don't want to be patronized by people who say: "Look at that darling little nun. She's just like a real person." I am a real person. Flesh, blood, feelings and convictions. That's for sure. Sister's a real firebrand, isn't she, Mother? Let's hope she doesn't intend to burn down the church. No, just warm it up a bit. More coffee, Sisters? - Please continue, Sister. - I'm sure Sister intends to. Father Chase, don't you feel the most important thing... is to share people's lives and problems? And we certainly can't do that if we're locked away in a little "nun world." I don't think you can call us "locked away." After all, we're not a cloistered order. Cloister isn't always a place, Mother. Sometimes, it's a state of mind. That's very true, Sister. But aren't you afraid of becoming less a nun than say, well, a social worker, Sister? No, Father. Wherever we go, our faith goes with us. And we hold it up for all to see. Faith, like love, should be shared, not hoarded. - Beautifully put, Sister. - Thank you, Father. There's a new wind blowing through the church, and l... A new wind is fine, but we can do without a typhoon. I know each time she smiles at you You think you found an angel's face But don't give in, my friend Where angels go, trouble follows And when she's in your arms you feel so heavenly that you can't see the danger there Take care, where angels go trouble follows Come on down Get your feet back on the ground And your head out of the clouds above My friend, now listen to me Take it slow 'Cause there's something you should know Angels never fall in love Fall in love Fall in love So if she flies away today Don't feel too bad, and don't be sad It's just as well You know, where angels go trouble follows Trouble follows Come on down Get your feet back on the ground And your head out of the clouds above My friend, now listen to me Take it slow 'Cause there's something you should know Angels never fall in love Fall in love So if she flies away today Don't feel too bad, and don't be sad It's just as well You know, where angels go trouble follows Trouble follows - Sister Celestine. Celestine! - Yes, Mother. Where did our girls get those things they're wearing? - They must have shortened them, Mother. - Your girls look wonderful, Mother. - This is a night my boys will never forget. - Neither will I. - Interesting art form, don't you think? - Very. Remarkable likeness. They're only paper boxes, Mother. Good. So disposable. - You certainly run a swinging school. - We try. We should have a dance like this at the end of each term. I know our Bishop would approve. He's really responsible for our being here. - Isn't that right, Mother? - Yes. Bless him. Trouble follows All clear. - How about it? - Don't blow your cool, she's working on it. Almost done. Here's the formula. Pay up. - You turn me off. - So who wants you on? Come on, split! Pete, I'm stuck in the laundry chute! Help! Good morning, Father. Now, don't tell me you slept in that chair all night? - I did. - Don't you trust your girls, Mother? Of course. Just as much as you trust your boys. - Breakfast? - I could use a cup of tea. Goodbye. Don't forget to write, okay? It's been very interesting. I hope someday you and your boys will visit us. - I'll bet you do. - Father? I hope I can find you at the Pray-ln in Washington next month. Just look for me. I'll be wearing black. - More like red. - What was that, Mother? I said, we're ready to go, Father. Thank you again. - Have a good trip. I'll pray for you. - And I'll pray for you. Somebody better. If there's gonna be a happening, it better happen. It sure better. It's groovy. Rosabelle! Marvel Ann! The bomb worked great! Rosabelle, don't you want your money? Reverend Mother, would you give this to Rosabelle and Marvel Ann? You give it to Father Chase to replace the broken window. - But they deserve it. - Don't you worry. I'll give them what they deserve. You mean, we're supposed to wash the whole bus, Reverend Mother? From bumper to bumper. But it's such a big bus, Reverend Mother. Yes, isn't it? - It's all hooked up. - Maybe we ought to wait... - till the man gets back from lunch. - It'll be too late. We'll leave the money for him. But you've never worked anything like this before. You have never driven a bus before. Come on, hurry. It's a cinch. Any 5-year-old could work this thing. Here we go! This is a ball! Close the windows! Marvel Ann, close the windows! Help! - Close the windows! - I can't! Help! How did you miss out on this caper, Sister? If the gas gauge read empty, why didn't you fill up at the last town, Sister? When it read empty in the old bus, there was still five gallons in the tank. I understood the old bus. I'd appreciate it if you established a similar rapport with the new bus. Please see if you can flag down a motorist and get some help. - Yes, Mother. - I'll go with you, Sister. Do we have any more cold drinks for the girls? No, but we've plenty of hot ones. The ice melted. - I said that we should use dry ice. - Chemicals are unhealthy. So is dying of thirst. And incidentally, if we pull these skirts up to an intelligent length... we might stand a fighting chance of surviving this heat. And show our legs? Why, it's no secret we have legs, is it, Sister? If we had any sense, we'd get rid of this medieval garb... and get into something nice and cool and drip-dry. Drip-dry nuns? Did you hear what she said, Mother? Drip-dry. In this heat, I wouldn't mind being drip-dry myself. Let me, Mother, please. - Little bird's got trouble. - So help them, man. Help them. You're sending loud and clear, baby. Loud and clear. But you're getting the wrong message. Get back to the bus, girls. Man, it's a penguin. - Is she for real, man? - So ask her, man. You for real? Yes, I'm for real. Ain't you hot in them weird black threads, lady? No hotter than you are in those weird black threads. - You got a big mouth, lady. - And you have a big knife. But that doesn't necessarily make you a big man. - Cool it. - What for, man? Because I said so. You shouldn't get him mad, lady. I mean, he's a real bad boy. Bad boys don't frighten me. Especially when they have to carry knives to give them courage. - I bet you don't carry a knife. - How would you know that, lady? Because obviously, you're the leader... and a leader doesn't need guns or knives to give him authority. His weapon is intelligence. You know what? You're right. But now tell me something. You were real scared, weren't you, when you saw the knife coming at you? You'd like for me to say that I was, because if I was scared... then what I am and what I believe in really isn't all that great. Right? Okay. So, you're smart. But I still want to know. Were you scared? Let's just say that I feared for my mortal life... but not for my immortal soul. Crazy. Sister George. Here's the money for the gas. I'll offer it to him, Mother, but I doubt if he'll take it. Sister George. I still don't understand how you got them to do this for us. We communicated. It's flat, all right. I have to change it. Don't be ridiculous, Sister. You can't handle that monster. Out of gas, a flat tire in the middle of nowhere... What next? Maybe there's a town or a ranch somewhere. I'll start walking. Maybe I can get a lift. We haven't seen a car in the last half-hour. You couldn't possibly walk in this heat. Doesn't anyone live in New Mexico? Mother, she can't do that. She just can't do that. I mean, it's humiliating. Humiliating, my foot. It's the way the Blessed Virgin rode into Bethlehem, isn't it? Giddyup. There she blows. Help's coming! How do, ladies? Ride them, cowboys! Go get them! How many of those boys are your sons, Mr. Farriday? - Only six of them. - What a lovely family. - You must be a Catholic, Mr. Farriday. - No, ma'am. Baptist. But we Baptists are kind of partial to begetting, too. - Right, Sister? - Right. Mr. Farriday enlightened me... on so many things on our drive back to the bus. It's very kind of you to put us up for the night, Mr. Farriday. It's my pleasure. You wouldn't have made Flagstaff till midnight. There's a lot of lonely highway between here and there. Marvel Ann, look at that. Get that horse. Look at him go! Reckon I have to get you an itty-bitty pony and cart, Juddie boy. Rosabelle, what's eating you? Rosabelle! How about this? That was pretty stupid. Acting like a goon isn't going to break up that romance. - Now, if you take my advice... - I'd rather take poison. Temper, temper. I'm just giving you the facts of life. Don't you know friendship flies out the window when love flies in? Why don't you crawl back under your rock? I tried. That's my good deed for the day. And that's my good deed for the day! Hey, Rosabelle, they got the greatest goats here! Come on, I'll show you! Later, maybe. - Aren't they adorable? - Turn purple. It'd be better than turning green with envy. After all, Rosabelle can't help it if she's gorgeous and irresistible. - Bye. - Drop dead. Help! Somebody, please help! Are you still in bed? You've already missed half the party. - I'm not going. - Of course you're going. Why, the doctor said you were fine. Come on, get up and get dressed. The boys are going to give you a prize... for the best broncobuster this side of the Rio Grande. Hey, it's a great party. You don't want to miss it, do you? Do you want to tell me about it? Lt'll all be forgotten by the time we get to the rally. - I'm not going to the rally. - Of course you are. No. I'm going to call my father tomorrow and tell him. He'll fix it for me to meet him somewhere. Marvel Ann, that's ridiculous. Maybe if we just talk about what's bothering you... I mean, isn't that what friends are for? I don't know what friends are for. And I don't need any. And you're not supposed to be my friend, anyway. Marvel Ann, you don't mean that. I do. And I'm not going to that stupid rally... and I don't want to talk about it, especially to you. So go away, please! Just go away! Sister? - Yes? - Can I talk to Reverend Mother, please? I mean, if she isn't busy, and you can find her. Of course. Marvel Ann? I am sleeping. - I just wanted to tell you... - Kindly do not sit on my bed. The slightest movement gives me excruciating pain. I'm sorry. - I really am sorry, Marvel Ann. - I don't know what for. I suppose you can't help it if you're gorgeous and irresistible. What? I said, you can't help it if you're gorgeous and irresistible! - Who said I'm gorgeous and irresistible? - Everyone. - Well, I'm not. - Yes, you are. In fact, I don't know why anyone so gorgeous and irresistible... has anything to do with ugly, fat, stupid, dopey old me! You're not stupid. - Just ugly and fat, right? - I didn't say that. You're hopeless. I don't even know why I came in here. Then why don't you go? I'll go when I want to go, and I just don't happen to want to go. - Nobody's asking you to be a martyr. - Lf I want to be a martyr, I'll be a martyr. Nobody's going to tell me not to be a martyr. As a matter of fact... if the pay weren't so bad, I'd probably take up martyring for a profession. Saint Rosabelle! That'd be a kick. Don't knock it. You should be so lucky to have a friend who's a saint. - Big deal! What's that make me? - It makes you my best and dearest friend! Honest? Cross my heart and hope to suffer all the fires of... I believe you. Did I hurt your poor, broken body? It's not broken, just bent a little. Come on, you can sit down. - Go ahead. - No, you first. I only wanted to say... I was dumb to be jealous. Real friends don't get jealous... just because their real friends happen to be pretty and have a very high IQ. - Look, I know I'm kind of nothing... - You're not. You're the bravest, most loyal person I know. And don't ever say again that you're fat and ugly. - How about stupid? - That you can say. - Stop crying. - Who's crying? I happen to have a very advanced case of soggy eyeballs. It's catching. - You know what? - What? - I feel good. - Me, too. You're behaving like a child, Sister. I'm sorry. But I just don't understand. I thought I was close to Marvel Ann, to all the girls. And you are. Possibly just a little too close. Perhaps that's why she felt she couldn't confide in you. You see, Sister, you've put yourself on the girls' level... and that's fine, but only to a point. Because if we, or their parents, or adults generally, are on their level... then who are they going to go to when they're really in trouble? Do you mean Marvel Ann couldn't talk to me? Couldn't come to me for understanding? Sister, when a 4-year-old gets hurt... he doesn't go running to his friend for consolation. - He goes crying home to mother. - Marvel Ann isn't four years old. But she's still a child, and in that respect, most of us remain children. She was hurt and upset, and she didn't want a friend, she wanted a mother. - Are you saying I've failed with the girls? - No. You're a smashing success with the girls, on their level... and if you don't change, that's where you'll remain. They need and want more than that from us. If it's wrong for me to be on the same level with the girls... then it's equally wrong for you to be so far above them you can't be reached. I know you're upset. You enjoy the nun mystique, don't you, Mother, as it places you above the ordinary? - It makes you something special. - Don't say things you'll regret. You resent me because I represent change, and you don't want change. It's only natural to cling to what one understands. Even if that understanding is limited? Nothing which remains static can survive! That is the truth, Mother. And there are also some truths you had better face, Sister. Like whether or not I'm fit to be a nun? I didn't pose the question, Sister. You did. Now you answer it. Goodbye, Mr. Farriday. That's a beauty, Mr. Farriday. I'll treasure it forever. Excuse me. Mr. Farriday, thank you very much for everything. - Marvel Ann, are you okay? - Sure. - You hear something? - Like what? Like harps? I can't thank you enough for all you've done, Mr. Farriday. It was my pleasure. And my boys'. They're wonderful boys. You can be very proud of them. I wouldn't pin any halos on them. I gave them a good talking-to yesterday. No horsing around, and not one word that couldn't be said in church. You'd be surprised at some of the things I've heard said in church. I guess us Baptists are more strait-laced. In church, I mean. Time to go. Thank you again, Mr. Farriday. - Have a good trip. You'll make it. - I know we will. Goodbye. What in the world happened between those two yesterday? - You've got Jud's address? - I know. We'll write. One of them grew up a little sooner than the other. I'm buying some moccasins, Mother. They'll be a nice change from your sneakers. This place has a fascinating history, Mother. And the girls tell me that there's a museum inside the post... full of old Indian relics. Let's you and I go see it and add two more relics to the collection. - How do I look? - Stupid. The man inside said that six priests... I mean, padres were massacred here in 1680-something... and there's an old Pueblo ruin only a mile from here. That's very interesting, Tanya. Excuse me a moment, Sister. Reverend Mother! I bought these for you, Reverend Mother. They're made by the Tanos Indians. Thank you, dear. They're just what I've always wanted. Would you put them in the bus with the other treasures we've collected? All right, Reverend Mother. Mother. All gassed up and ready to go. All right. Gather the girls together. Yes, Mother. They've got some great rocks inside. Can't we wait a bit for me to buy some? And I've got eight more pairs of moccasins to buy. I promised the girls at school, Reverend Mother. I promised. And promises are important. Go ahead, girls. - Good. - Thank you! How far out of the way will the detour take us, Sister? About 125 miles. 125 miles? We'll lose close to a day. There are only two days left to the rally. The detour was plainly marked on the TripTik. I don't know how I missed it. Well, I do. You had to do it all yourself. You wouldn't let me or anybody help you with the maps or the TripTiks. They were your treasures. Now look where you've gotten us. Nowhere. - That will do, Sister. - I'm sorry, Mother. It's been a long, hard trip, and anyone can make a mistake. Please get back in the bus before you all have sunstroke. Sister George, I want to speak to you. - Sit down, Sister. - I prefer to stand, Mother. I don't. So please sit down. I know you're upset about what happened last night at the ranch. What happened last night has nothing to do with this. I'm only concerned with getting those girls to the rally. If we'd had a professional driver, this never would have happened. I said we should have one from the very beginning... that it was wrong to let Sister Clarissa drive. Sister Clarissa has been driving our bus for over 20 years. She began at a time when very few of us had the courage to even venture out alone. Since then it's been her responsibility, and she gets great pleasure from it. Surely, you can understand that. I think Sister should be commended for what she did 20 years ago. But she was not capable of making this trip, and you know it. I could argue the point, but I won't. What's more important is that replacing Sister... would have made her feel useless. And I cannot deny her the joy of giving, no matter how small the gift. No concept or institution... which is indifferent to the needs of the human spirit can survive. We must listen to the heart, too, Sister. Does that mean not facing reality? Does sentiment preclude common sense? I am not about to discuss philosophy, dialectics, or the new look in the church... not in the middle of the desert in 100 degree heat. Come along, Sister. Reverend Mother. - Do we know where we're going? - We do. But only if we've led good Christian lives. I wasn't thinking that far ahead. You know, it may not be a total loss, Mother. We may get something out of this. If you mean broken bones, I couldn't agree with you more. No, I mean the detour. It could be very educational. We go right through an Indian reservation. - Wild Indians? - I wouldn't worry about it, Sister. There hasn't been an Indian uprising in over 100 years. Stop the bus! Sister, stop the bus! Sit tight! We'll make it! This is ridiculous! Sister! Stop! No, sit down! What a scenel I'll win an award for this. It's terrific. Beautiful, beautiful. That's it, keep going. Send more Indians in. Send more Indians in. Get on that set. We have Indians, don't we? No! Cut! If I wanted a bus in my picture, I would have put a bus in it! But this is 1855, and the pioneers were very backward. Please stop shouting. We said we were sorry, and we hope you'll forgive us. Forgive you? Absolution? She wants absolution from me? I'm not even a good Catholic. You're not even a good director! Mother, I saw his last picture, and it was rotten! - You didn't like it? - Like it? I wanted my money back. Please go back with the girls. Maybe you wanted your money back, too. But you decided to sabotage this picture? - That's ridiculous. - It's not ridiculous. The Sister who drives the bus, Sister Clarissa, simply panicked. She's highly imaginative, and rather inexperienced in these matters. I'll bet she's inexperienced. She should be locked up. Who is this Sister, Sister who? It's you. You're dangerous. You don't know what you're doing. And neither do you. According to this pamphlet, you are using the wrong Indians. - The wrong Indians? - Yes. The Navajos were a peace-loving, domestic people. And when this picture comes out, I intend not to see it. You're a troublemaker. All right, everybody, get back to work. And tell the wardrobe to change the beads on the Indians. Don't stand there, get back to work! Move! Everybody's an authority. Everybody's a critic! Nuns, bus drivers... Sister Clarissa, please get all the girls back in the bus. We're leaving. Not today. And we can forget about the rally. We're not going to get there. We broke our axle fighting the Indians. - Careful. Watch your step, Mother. - Thank you. - Be careful. - Thank you so much. - It must be wonderful to be so creative. - Thank you. You're very kind. I never realized how difficult it is to make a film. I'm so impressed. You're a very remarkable man. That's very sweet of you, Mother. Why're you all standing here? You must be terribly hungry. Why don't you go over to the catering truck and have a bite? Be my guest. Why, that's most gracious of you. Don't let me take you from your work. - I've taken up enough of your time. - It's been my pleasure, Mother. You heard what he said. We're welcome to this nice gentleman's hospitality. Unless you'd just rather stand around for the next two hours... because that's how long it's going to take to fix the bus. Now gather up the other girls and get something to eat. Come along, girls. They're serving lunch. It seems we're going to make the rally after all. Yes, I heard. Aren't you pleased? I know I am. I don't understand why... aside from the fact you don't want the girls to be disappointed. That's a very good reason, but it's not the only one. - I want to get to that rally, too. - I find that hard to believe. You've been opposed to the rally from the very beginning. I did have my reservations. But it's proven to be a wonderful experience. And in many ways, I have you to thank. You're thanking me? After all your objections to my ideas... and after questioning my fitness to be a nun? I only voiced your doubts and your thoughts, Sister. And if I spoke to you in anger... it was because I was also questioning myself. Self-examination is always painful... and disturbing. I know now the cloister isn't always a place. It can be a state of mind. And if I can't get out of that cloister... it's time I got out of St. Francis and let someone else take over... who can equip our children for the kind of life they have to live. - Mother, you can't mean that. - Now, Sister... if you were planning to be charitable to me, don't. It would be out of character. I just think... that it took more courage for you to say what you just said... than it would take for me to march in 100 picket lines. If you leave St. Francis, it'll be over my dead body. I know you, and what you are... and if you leave, Lord knows who'll take your place. I just couldn't go through all this again. Damn, I can't find my handkerchief. Sister... - please watch your language. - Yes, Mother. Thank you. Mother... - would you tell me something? - I'll try. How did you get that man to do this for us? We communicated. I owe you two bits. But how did you know they were going to make up? Because adults always unite against the common enemy. - What enemy? - Us. Well, we forded the rivers and crossed the mountains... and fought off the Indians. But we made it to the rally, all right. And it was worth everything we went through to get there. It opened our eyes, and our hearts, and our minds. But what's more important, we got involved. Not just in caring, because we've always cared... but in doing. Though Sister George and I haven't resolved all of our differences... there is a good, stiff breeze blowing through St. Francis. And you'll see we have changed some of our habits. |
WAR Wag The Dog Waga seishun ni kuinashi 1946 Wait Until Dark CD1 Wait Until Dark CD2 Waking Ned Devine (1998) Waking Ned Divine Waking Up In Reno Walk On The Moon A 1999 Walk To Remember A Walk on Water Walk on the Wild Side Walking With Beasts BBC Part02 Whale Killer Walking With Beasts BBC Part03 Land Of Giants Walking With Beasts BBC Part04 Next Of Kin Walking With Beasts BBC Part05 Sabre Tooth Walking With Beasts BBC Part06 Mammoth Journey Walking and Talking 1996 Walking tall (2004) Walking with Dinosaurs Wall Street Wall The Wanted 2003 WarGames (1983) CD1 WarGames (1983) CD2 War CD1 War CD2 War Game The War Game The (author commentary) War Hunt 1962 War Is Over The (Alain Resnais 1966) War Lover The 1962 War Zone The War and Peace CD1 War and Peace CD2 War of the Roses The War of the Worlds The War of the Worlds The (1953) Warm Water Under a Red Bridge (Shohei Imamura 2001) CD1 Warm Water Under a Red Bridge (Shohei Imamura 2001) CD2 Warriors Of Heaven And Earth 2003 CD1 Warriors Of Heaven And Earth 2003 CD2 Warriors Of Heaven And Earth CD1 Warriors Of Heaven And Earth CD2 Warriors The Wasabi 2001 Wash The Washington Heights (2002) Watcher The Watchtower Water Drops on Burning Rock Waterboy The Waterboys 2001 Waterloo 1970 CD1 Waterloo 1970 CD2 Waters Edge Watership Down Waterworld Way We Were The Way of the Gun The Waynes World Waynes World 1992 Waynes World 2 We Are No Angels 1989 We Dont Live Here Anymore We Were Soldiers Weapon of War CD1 Weapon of War CD2 Wedding Planner The Wedding Singer The Wedlock 1991 Weekend Godard 1967 Weekend at Bernies II Weight of Water The Weird Science CD1 Weird Science CD2 Welcome Back Mr McDonald 1997 Welcome To Mooseport Welcome to Collinwood (2002) Welcome to Sarajevo Welcome to the Dollhouse Wes Cravens New Nightmare West Side Story CD1 West Side Story CD2 West Wing The Westler Westworld (1973) Whale Rider Whale Rider 2002 Whales Of August The 1987 Whasango CD1 Whasango CD2 What About Bob (1991) What Dreams May Come CD1 1998 What Dreams May Come CD2 1998 What Fault Is It Of Ours 2003 CD1 What Fault Is It Of Ours 2003 CD2 What Lies Beneath CD1 What Lies Beneath CD2 What Planet Are You From What Price Glory What Women Want What Women Want CD1 What Women Want CD2 What a Girl Wants What a Way to Go 1964 Whatever Happened to Baby Jane 1962 Whatever It Takes Whats Eating Gilbert Grapewegg CD1 Whats Eating Gilbert Grapewegg CD2 Whats Love Got To Do With It 1993 Whats New Pussycat Whats The Worst That Could Happen Whats Up Doc Wheels on Meals When A Man Loves A Woman 1994 CD1 When A Man Loves A Woman 1994 CD2 When Harry Met Sally When I Turned Nine 2004 CD1 When I Turned Nine 2004 CD2 When Ruoma Was Seventeen 2002 When The Last Sword Is Drawn 2003 CD1 When The Last Sword Is Drawn 2003 CD2 When Will I Be Loved 2004 When the Rain Lifts 1999 When the Sky Falls When we were kings Where Angels Go Trouble Follows (James Neilson 1968) Where Eagles Dare CD1 Where Eagles Dare CD2 Where The Heart Is Where the Red Fern Grows 2003 Where the Sidewalk Ends Whipped Whirlpool 1949 Whisper of the Heart White Chicks White Dragon White Fang - To the Rescue White Man Cant Jump CD1 White Man Cant Jump CD2 White Palace White Sheik The White Sun Of The Desert 1970 White Valentine - 25fps - 1999 White Valentine 1999 Who Are You 2002 CD1 Who Are You 2002 CD2 Who Is Cletis Tout Who framed Roger Rabbit (1988) Whole Nine Yards The Whole ten yards The Whos Afraid of Virginia Woolf CD1 Whos Afraid of Virginia Woolf CD2 Whos Harry Crumb Whos That Knocking at My Door Whos Your Daddy Wicked - 29,970fps 1998 Wicked 1998 Wicked 1998 29,970fps Wicked City - 1973 Wicked City 1973 Wicker Park CD1 Wicker Park CD2 Wild Bunch The Wild Bunch The - Restored Directors Cut Wild One The Wind Carpet The (Kamal Tabrizi 2003) Wind Will Carry Us The CD1 Wind Will Carry Us The CD2 Wings of Desire CD1 Wings of Desire CD2 Wizard Of Darkness Wizard of Oz The CD1 Wizard of Oz The CD2 Women from Mars Women in Black The World Is Not Enough The Worst of Ed Wood Boxed Set The |