When Ruoma Was Seventeen 2002Click here to download subtitles file for the movie "When Ruoma Was Seventeen 2002"Get Paid for using YouTube!
Grandpa Roasted corn! Come and get some roasted corns! Roasted corn! Come and get some roasted corns! Come and get some roasted corns! Come and get some roasted corns! Come and get some roasted corns! So many beautiful girls So many beautiful pictures That seems to be nice This girl is really nice One more. Smile Thank you Ruoma, have something to eat Ms. Luo l didn't think you were coming back Don't be silly! We're not married yet How could l not come back? What do you think? ls this outfit nice? ln the city, all the clothes are nice There are all sorts of different shoes in the city These shoes are too expensive Qing insisted that l wear them Actually they look good but they're uncomfortable Ruma, l'll be going now l'll come to see you tonight. Bye! Look, beautiful Hani girl! Beautiful! Picture me and the Hani girl! Ming, listen to me lf you don't pay the rent you have to move out lf you don't want to live here there are plenty of people who do l know Just give me a couple of days l beg of you Roasted corn! Have some roasted corn! How much for one? 50 cents 50 cents each? ls it any good? This girl's really quite pretty! Take a picture Lili, when are you coming? Then why don't you just send me the money? The landlord has been after me every day Have some roasted corn, why don't you? Have some! Little girl How much for one? 50 cents for one What about the small ones? Same price for the big and small ones All the same? Then roast me 10 big ones Are you Hani? Are you new here? l smelled it from really far away What's your name? My name is A-Ming That photo studio over there is mine Tell me, what's your name? My, my name is Ruoma Ruoma. That's a nice name Ruoma Smells really good Your corn is done. 5 yuan Wait here for one second l'll be back soon Ruoma, l'm really sorry l don't have any change You probably couldn't break a big bill How about you take this? When l have some change l'll pay you back This is a Walkman! You can listen to music Listen... Grandma, l'm back Grandma, l'm going Ruoma, wait Ruoma, give this blanket to the calf Grandpa when are we going to have the calf? Soon... Grandpa, are you tired? Listen to this and you won't be tired Grandpa, does it sound good? lt's nice After Luo-xia went to the city she changed Luo-xia, come up My legs are shaking and my shoulders hurt lt would be nice if there were an elevator Luo-xia, what are you talking about? What is elevator? Ms. Luo, you must be tired Grandma Luo-xia, are you tired? No Ruoma Grandpa Lu's little calf isn't here yet Why are you in such a hurry to build the bam? l'm only doing this work because it's for your family Grandpa Lu said it would be in the next day or so We have to prepare for it Ms Luo, you've really suffered Suffering is the fate of Hani women Not so with the people in the city How do people in the cities carry things? There are elevators in the city that can carry things as big as mountains Can elevators fly? Fly? Elevators aren't airplanes! They're like a big box that goes up one second and down the next lt's powered by electricity Ruoma, the photos are in my bag Go get them Qing treated me so well The first time l went to Kunming he took me on a glass elevator The city looked so beautiful The skyscrapers looked like a mountain forest Luo-xia, you're really lucky Ruoma, you're very pretty too lf you go to Kunming you would find a guy even better than A-Qing He would take you up in a glass elevator too l would like to see the Hani Terraces Sorry, l can't understand Thank you How do you do? Nice to meet you l would like to see the Chinese terraces Yes l know l'll take you there Ok. Thank you Be careful Ok Ruoma Boss Guo Luo Have some roasted corn! Come and get some roasted corn! Please What's the matter? Wait Ruoma, she would like to take a picture with you 10 yuan for one Ok Ruoma, here's your money Let her take one of you Okay Ruoma? Then don't take one Give me back the Walkman The Walkman is broken l can't pay you back Ruoma See, taking a picture with a foreigner you made ten yuan We can eat ice-cream now Have you ever had ice-cream before? why aren't you eating it? lt's settled then we'll take pictures tomorrow Ruoma, have you thought about it? Taking pictures with foreigners you make more money than selling roasted corn what do you think? Say something Do you think there's elevator in this bldg? Of course there is Have you ridden in it? Yes l have. What is it? Ming! Ming! A-Ming! A-Ming! l said l'd give you a few more days lf you don't pay the rent you have to move out Ming! l'm going now Ruoma the batteries were dead Ruoma l'll teach you a few English words You never know, they may prove useful Repeat after me Welcome to Hani terraces! Nice to meet you Forget it... l'll teach you a simple one How do you do? How do you do? Here they are How do you do? Welcome! These are famous Chinese Terraces Come here, come here Ruoma This is beautiful Hani girl Welcome to take photos with her Wait... 10 yuan for one photo of course, please, please Smile...Ruoma How do you do? She speak english... Beautiful girl Wonderful Do you know why so many people want to take photos with you? What did you say? Why do so many people want to take pictures with you? l don't know Because you're pretty Thank you. You look so beautiful! Ready! Thank you! Thanks! Thank you! Thank you! Thanks! Bye, thanks Ruoma, here Ruoma You only gave me 200 You still owe me more than 1000 Didn't l tell you? l'll give you the money as soon as Lili gets here Really? Grandma, l'm back This is the money l made taking pictures Ruoma, come here So this is the money you made taking pictures with tourists? Yes You make this much taking pictures? The Hani never cheat people Grandma, you don't understand They're willing to give me money Because they want to take pictures with me Ruoma, why are you back so late? Have something to eat Who taught you to do that? Grandma, his name is A-Ming He can do everything understand everything He takes really good pictures l really like his pictures Grandma Ms Luo, so you are here Ruoma, Ruoma Ruoma, Ruoma Are you deaf? Ruoma, where did you get this? This is really expensive Did your lover give this to you? Nonsense! Ruoma, your eyes give you away lf you talk any more nonsense l'm not going to be your friend Ruoma... Where did this come from? Really? Ruoma, hop on! What do you want to do with the money you earn? What did you say? l mean, after you've made money what do you want to do with it? Ride in an elevator There are lots of fun things in the city Why do you just want to ride in an elevator? Riding in an elevator would be fun Okay, then when you've made money l'll take you Help me out here, take a good picture One, two, three, perfect! C'om, take one more One, two, three! One more! Let's go, Ruoma. Get your things l've already paid why can't l take a picture? What's the big deal? lsn't she just a country girl? Who the fuck needs your money? Here l could see right off you're no good Dragging a little country girl around to cheat people! Say that again! Say that again! What are you going to do about it? Have a smoke You're finally here Waiting for me to pay the rent? Ming, bring me my slippers Here you're Pour me a glass of water This little Hani girl is really sweet on you She is Ruoma, isn't she? Sister, would you like some more drink? Ruoma, you're really quite pretty You must have made a lot of money for A-Ming taking pictures Here, Ruoma Swiss chocolate. lt's really good Take it, go on Ming, l spent all day on a bus l'm beat l'm going upstairs to lie down Ming, come up for a minute l'll be going now l've been waiting here all day And you knew l was coming today l know... Grandma... Grandma You want me to sell clothes l can't do that What else can you do? Playing with that thing all day long What use is it? Have you made any money? Just look at you now! You can't even pay the rent And you had to open this photo studio You said there was nice scenery and lots of tourists Thought you could make money and do some art l gave you 20,000 yuan But now you've lost it all So you lost it all. l don't blame you l told you to come with me but you wouldn't You insisted on hanging out with this country girl This time l only have one thing to say to you lf you still care about me then come with me lf you're still that into your business and crazy about your photography then let's just call it quits God you're annoying You dare hit me? Lili What should l do about this place? You're crazy Go talk to the one who owes your rent lt's his business lt has nothing to do with me Best wishes to Luo-xia for her wedding! Luo-xia, what does A-Qing look like? We still haven't met him Luo-xia According to our Hani traditions The night before your wedding You have to drink a farewell toast to your lover Who's your lover? l went away to work when l was young How would l have a lover in the village? Why don't you choose one among us? Okay, then l'll choose one Ga! Cheers! Ga, what are you going to give to your lover? C'mon. let's see it! What? You really do have something? l never would have thought That's such a beautiful silver bracelet! Ga likes Luo-xia Why didn't he tell her? Ga's family is too poor He was afraid Luo-xia wouldn't think him Bo! A-Bo! lt's time to sow! Time to plant! Time to plant! Seedings are like a pretty young girl Like a pretty young girl The field is like a strong young man Like a robust strong young man lf the seeding girl doesn't get planted the field doesn't grow The field doesn't grow lf the field doesn't grow lf the field doesn't grow There will be no harvest There will be no harvest You hit my ear! You run fast l fell down in the field This year's harvest should be very good Grandma, when the Hani people plant why do they throw mud on each other? My grandmother doesn't speak Putonghua Grandma said we throw mud primarily to bless the harvest so that for next year's harvest The more mud that's thrown the bigger the harvest will be What did grandma just say? Grandma said this is a way of showing affection between young Hani men and women This is a tradition of the Hani people For the Hani, the first handful of mud is thrown at the person she likes Ruoma, where did grandma tell you to go? Grandma wanted me go upstairs to get the mushrooms No need, grandma, no need l like Ruoma's roasted corn What's it, Ruoma? Are you okay? Okay Ruoma This may be the last time we take pictures What did you say? l'm going back to the city Going back to the city? ls it true? Then take me with you What? You want to come with me? Did you forget? You promised me You'd take me to ride in an elevator after we made money l didn't forget... But l just don't understand Why do you want to ride in an elevator so badly? Say something, Ruoma Ruoma! Stop... Ruoma, l've made up my mind lt doesn't matter if we don't make money l'll think of some way Didn't you say you wanted to ride in an elevator? l'll take you there Really? A-Ming? Grandma do you know what an elevator is? An elevator? Ming You screw around all day Running around with a Hani girl And you want to be a photographer? Take a look at yourself You owe the rent and you still won't leave so what are you going to do about it? What's it going to be? Boss Guo Luo, are you Hani? What if l am? Hani people have good hearts not wicked ones l'm a complete disgrace Go away And don't come back here Get going Ruoma, you're back Ruoma! Ruoma! Ruoma, What's with you? This is the key for the motorbike Take it Ming, if you don't have a place to stay l'll let you stay two more days No charge Ruoma, l only see your grandmother Where are your parents? They aren't with us They? They passed away when l was little Wait l should give this back to you Keep it as a souvenir Can you give me this photo? Ruoma, the terraced fields here are so beautiful How do you get water up hills this high? Grandma says there's a spring on top of the mountain But there's less and less spring water each year l'll be leaving tomorrow l promised l'd take you to ride in an elevator l'm sorry lt doesn't matter Look, do l look like l'm riding in an elevator? Ming, what happened? Grandma Listen to me Ming is a good person l want to go with him Grandma! Grandma! Grandma! Grandma! Grandma! Grandma! Grandma! Grandpa Long-ni! Have you seen my grandma? Your calf has wandered off She went looking for it Grandma! Grandma! Come back, Ruoma, come back You're not a water lily so don't float on water You're not a fish so don't long for the water Come back! You're your parents daughter You're my partner in mirth Come back, Ruoma Come back, Come back Come back to the happy, peaceful village Come back! Come back to this paradise garden Come back, Ruoma Come back Come back, Come back... Grandma Do you feel better? You must be hungry Grandma Grandma l'm not going to the city anymore Sorry l accidentally opened it A-Ming has done well for himself Ruoma, take this See you Have some roasted corn! |
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