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Subtitles for War and Peace CD1.

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War and Peace CD1

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{y:i}As the 19th century began...
{y:i}a darkening shadow {y:i}moved across the face of Europe.
{y:i}This shadow was propelled {y:i}by the voice of one man--
{y:i}Napoleon Bonaparte.
{y:i}Only Russia and England {y:i}offered impressive resistance.
{y:i}Over Russia the weather was clear-- {y:i}the sun was shining.
{y:i}Napoleon was a thousand miles away...
{y:i}and the streets of Moscow {y:i}were excellent for parades.
Splendid sight. Splendid men. Eh, Pierre?
- For parades. - What do you mean by that?
Remember. I've seen the French marching too.
Don't tell me they march better than that.
Led by the greatest man in Europe.
A usurper. A murderer. A deposer of kings.
A colossus.
A fresh wind. A cleansing force.
What does your father say when he hears you say things like that?
We don't talk about things like that, my father and I.
How is he?
The doctors say he will die at any moment.
Have you been to see him?
I'm waiting to be asked.
In heaven all things will be arranged.
I believe that's the rumor.
Remember, Pierre, this is your home when you want it to be...
and the Rostovs are your family when you want them to be.
I smoke too much.
Isn't it lovely? How can you bear not to go with them?
I can bear it.
If I were a man, I'd be down there...
riding a terrible black horse, waving a sword.
It's so unfair.
Men are the only people permitted to have any fun.
What is it, Natasha?
All those handsome young men marching away to fiight...
to be killed.
Don't be frightened. Come on.
Well, what's this?
You look so dazzling in your uniform.
And you're going so far away.
Austria is miles.
I looked it up... on the map.
That brute Napoleon.
The Austrians make the most beautiful bracelets.
- I'll bring you back one. - Nicholas, two.
- They're wearing them in pairs. - Two.
Pierre, you remember our cousin Sonya? She's come to stay with us.
Of course, although she was considerably younger the last time I saw her.
Girls grow up, Pierre, very fast.
Doesn't he look glorious?
Who would've thought Mama and Papa would have had such handsome children?
Mother, did you hear that?
Now attention.
Ensign Count Nicholas Rostov...
I decorate you with the order of...
absolutely everything.
I don't think you ought to laugh at her when she makes jokes about the army.
Oh, well, Petya, women-- you have to humor them a little.
You do look shiny, Nicholas. If only I was old enough.
- That'll come, Petya. - Not in time.
By the time I'm old enough, there won't be a Frenchman left to be killed.
Don't worry, Petya. There will always be plenty of Frenchmen.
Good luck.
With your views on war, that's very civil of you.
But seriously, Pierre, why don't you take a commission?
It's so easy for men. All you have to do is decide to do something. Then do it.
If you were a man what would you decide to do?
I'd decide to become enormously powerful.
I'd become the czar's most trusted minister...
and he wouldn't dare make a move without consulting me.
And you would sit at my right hand and judge the nations.
Whenever anything was complicated or an injustice was being done...
the case would be laid before you and your word would be law.
Why me?
Because your heart is pure and you're good.
Well done, my dear. Well done.
On that note, I think I should leave.
What about if you did have that power, what would you do?
I would hesitate.
Now I really must go.
Come again soon.
I'll walk you to the door, my Lord Hesitator.
- Good-bye, Pierre. - Come soon again.
You will come again soon, won't you?
Mama and Papa don't show it, but they're gonna be lonely when Nicholas is gone.
- And they do love seeing you. - Yes, of course I'll come.
I love this house and the whole family.
The whole family? That's not as simple as you think.
What do you mean by that?
Oh, there are currents and countercurrents.
Now, where are you going? To Dolokhov's rooms?
As a matter of fact I am. How did you know?
I hear things, I hear things.
Go. Go to your night of disgusting and fascinating debauchery.
Careful. There's a bet on here.
Go on. Bring me a bottle of rum.
And you two, break this up.
Now, let's get this straight.
Fifty imperials against Prince Anatole Kuragin...
that I will drink a bottle of rum without taking it from my mouth.
balancing on the outside ledge and not touching the sides of the windows.
Want to make it a hundred, Anatole?
Fifty's enough for you to lose.
Here. Get down from there, you weaklings.
Calculus, come on.
- Come on. - You do it.
Hail Moscow!
Give me that.
Don't be crazy, Dolokhov. You'll be killed.
If you touch me again I will throw you down there...
and that goes for everyone of you here.
Play, play! What are we paying you for?
Now then, my friends.
Remember, without taking the bottle from your lips, huh?
Fifty imperials, Anatole.
And it's double for anyone else who will do it.
I'll do it for nothing-- without a bet.
You get dizzy walking up a flight of steps.
Get out of my way.
Give me a bottle.
-Get down from there. -Can't take the bottle from your mouth--
- Get down from there, Pierre. - No, let him do it.
Your father's calling for you.
Excuse me, gentlemen.
I suggest a little cold water fiirst.
I'll wait for you.
Prince Andre.
Is the old boy really dying this time?
The doctors are fairly certain Count Bezukhov won't last the night.
Are my father and sister there?
Your father was there and the Princess Helene was expected.
That's good. I don't have to go. The family's well represented.
Careful, careful.
- You disapprove of me? - Well--
Of course you do.
You'd be wrong if you didn't.
Arriving at the deathbed of my father bleary-eyed...
stinking of alcohol.
He disapproves, too, my father.
Well, that's fair enough.
I disapprove of many things about him.
Chiefly, I disapprove of the fact that he didn't marry my mother.
Perhaps if I was legitimate--
I have sinned, Lord, but I have several excellent excuses.
With all that, Andre, you still disapprove?
You're not being worthy of yourself, Pierre.
You're not living up to the best things in yourself.
You must be somebody.
That's where the puzzle begins. Be somebody. Be what?
Who am I? Am I the next Count Bezukhov...
lord of vast estates and the fiixed positions...
fiixed responsibilities?
Not quite.
My father cannot quite acknowledge that I am his son...
but he cannot quite acknowledge that I am not his son.
That makes everybody uncomfortable, including myself.
Well, you must aim at something, fiind a beginning.
Oh, you're right. Don't think I don't agree with you.
Each morning I wake up, I'm disgusted with myself...
with what I did the night before.
I tell myself today... a change.
If my headache is bad enough, I say...
''Pierre, today you must take steps to become a saint.''
I say, I'll drop in at the club and watch the card playing.
just order a glass of water...
to prove to myself how marvelously I resist temptation.
Then someone comes along and says...
''Just one vodka, Pierre.''
Next morning my headache is worse, my pockets are emptier.
There must be something you wanna do.
Of course. I wanna discover.
- Discover what? - Everything.
I want to discover why I know what's right and still do what's wrong.
I wanna discover what happiness is...
and what value there is in suffering.
I wanna discover why men go to war...
and what they really say...
deep in their hearts when they pray to God.
I wanna discover what it is that men and women feel when they say they love.
You see, there's enough to keep me busy.
It's hard for you to understand someone like me.
Everything is so clear for you.
You always know exactly what you must do and you do it.
- Exactly. - You're different from me.
You study, you become enlightened.
I study, I become confused.
You love, you marry. You believe, you act.
There's a war, you serve.
How wonderful it would be if I really answered to your description.
- You do, I tell you. - Shall I show you how wrong you are?
I know you. I'm not wrong.
Do you know why I'm going to the war?
You think it's because I think that Napoleon is a monster?
You think I believe that we have any business fiighting Austria's battles...
2,000 miles from home?
You think that I think Russia will be a greater nation when this war is over?
Then why are you going?
Because I'm married to one of the most loving and honorable...
and attractive women in Moscow...
and I can't stand it.
Never, never marry, Pierre.
Or if you must marry, marry when you're old and good for nothing.
Or else everything that is fiine and noble in you will be lost.
You'll waste yourself on trifles.
Yes, yes, don't look at me like that.
You talk of Bonaparte and his career.
If Bonaparte had married when he was young...
he'd still be a half-pay captain in Marseilles...
going to dinner parties and carrying his wife's handbag...
and inviting idiots to his house because his wife...
wanted to be invited to their houses.
Prince Andre.
Princess Helene.
Didn't you tell my brother that he was expected here?
- I did. - Isn't he coming?
I believe not.
Thank you.
How is he, Prince Vasili?
His confessor is with him.
They are giving him extreme unction.
He was asking for you.
I hope you are in a proper condition to see him at this time.
Follow me.
Go ahead. I'll wait for you here.
If you please, Monsieur Pierre.
He wishes you to kiss him good-bye.
This is for you.
Now he would like to sleep.
So late. Finally at the end he loved me.
So late.
He gave me this.
This letter is for the czar...
and this one for you, Pierre.
Open it.
Your father wishes you to know that in the letter to the czar...
he begs that you be legitimately acknowledged as his son...
and the next Count Bezukhov...
the sole heir to all his estates.
Be worthy, my boy.
Be worthy of your great father.
How often we sin...
how much we deceive, and for what?
All ends in death.
Kiss your cousin Helene.
He has been reborn. Embrace him.
Wish him well.
It's a good thing we're going back to Moscow.
After three weeks in the country I can hardly keep my eyes open.
Still, it was a profiitable trip, wasn't it, Pierre?
Very profiitable.
I'll see how long we have to wait. It shouldn't be too long.
There's no hurry. It'll give Papa a few extra winks of sleep.
- Where are you going, to your father's? - Yes.
What have you been up to? Tell me all the news. Are you alone?
No. Prince Vasili is with me and his daughter too.
We've made a tour of inspection of my estates.
I've never been there before. It's huge. So backward.
And now that I'm Count Bezukhov, I feel I must do something about it.
I see. That's why you went with Prince Vasili and Helene.
Well, Prince Vasili helps me with the administration.
Of course.
Come say hello to Lise. It will give her pleasure.
She's miserable at the idea of being stuck away in the country.
Helene is different. She loves the country.
- It was her idea to come along. - I'm sure.
- Children, go away. - How long do you expect to stay here?
Forever. Months and months and months.
Until after the baby's born.
No, thank you.
You know Andre's leaving tomorrow?
He thought it would be better for me to be here with his father and sister...
than alone in Moscow.
And how do you feel about it?
I dread it.
And even so, you consented to bury yourself down here?
Andre wants me to. What else is there to do?
I assure you, if it were I, I would fiind something else to do.
I suppose so, but we're very different, you and I.
Yes, indeed we are.
Have you asked her to marry you yet?
Are you going to?
I don't know yet.
- Do you want some advice? - On any subject, Andre.
Not on this.
All right.
We thought you would never come.
- Oh, Lise, you look so beautiful. - You too, Mary.
No, I'm just a little country mouse.
Andre, it isn't true what you wrote in your letter...
that you're only staying overnight?
- I'm afraid it is. - Lise, talk to him.
- Make him stay. - I've tried.
Mary, Lise's very tired. I think she'd better get some rest.
- Yes? - Excellency, your father heard you.
He would like you to present yourself immediately.
Thank you. No, you'd better go upstairs, Lise.
You'll see him at dinner.
Here is the warrior.
Here's the Bolkonsky who's going to beat Napoleon.
How are you, my boy? How are you?
I'm well, Father. How is your health?
Oh, the same, boy. The same. Only fools fall ill.
You know me, busy from morning till night.
Little to eat, less to drink. So of course I'm well.
Thank God.
God has nothing to do with it.
just a moment, Andre, please.
- Don't refuse. - What is it?
Father's father used to take it along with him... in all his wars.
If it's not too heavy and won't break my neck.
Andre, promise that you'll never take it off.
- Promise? - Yes.
Kiss me here.
Thank you, my boy. Thank you.
Why do you thank me, Father?
For doing your duty.
For not allowing yourself to be tied to a woman's apron strings.
The army before everything. Thank you. Thank you.
About my wife, Father.
Your wife?
Well, go on, speak.
When her confiinement is due, send to Moscow for a doctor.
A doctor?
I know that if nature won't do its work, no one can.
But they've been telling her things and...
she's had a dream.
She's frightened.
All right, all right.
Give this to Michael Kutuzov.
We were at school together.
He wasn't exactly a bright lad, but never mind.
I've written to him to tell him to keep you away from headquarters.
They're bad places.
Tell him I remember him and I admire him.
Now good-bye.
Remember this, Prince Andre.
If they kill you, it will hurt me, your old father.
But if I hear that you've not behaved like a son of Nicholas Bolkonsky...
it will be worse.
I shall be shamed.
You needn't have said that to me, Father.
I also wanted to ask you...
if I am killed and I have a son...
don't let him be taken away from you.
Let him grow up... here...
with you, please.
Well, what are you waiting for? We've said good-bye. Go, go.
You're leaving already. Don't go. Don't leave me here.
I won't be able to stand it. I'll be so lonely.
I leave you in my family's house, with my father, with Mary.
Stay until tomorrow. Stay another day, please, I beg you.
I can't, Lise. You know that.
You're delighted to go. You're delighted to get rid of me.
Good-bye, Mary.
Ketya, go and get some smelling salts.
Would you please tell your horse to stop shaking his head?
I'll never get it this way.
You heard the lady. Stop shaking your head.
You see, animals are much more reasonable than people.
Mademoiselle, I wonder if I might offer you a million rubles...
to paint my portrait.
On one condition. You must make me look at least as good as the horse.
It's not fair to look at it before it's fiinished.
Very unpromising, isn't it?
Yes, it is.
You needn't be in such a hurry to agree.
Anyways, it's not meant to be a work of art.
Papa bought the colt to give to Nicholas when he comes back from the war.
And I'm gonna send him the picture to show him what it's like.
Have you fiinished?
For the moment.
Charge! Come on! Hurry! Come on!
Come on!
- Have you heard from Nicholas? - Mama and Papa received a letter.
He hasn't written me or Sonya.
Men forget about women immediately when they go to war, don't they?
Men don't. Boys do.
Nicholas would be furious if he heard you call him a boy.
He'd probably challenge you to a duel.
That's better a reason than most for fiighting a duel.
Actually, the only reason he wrote was that he wanted some more money.
He keeps lending money to his captain who keeps losing it at cards.
The captain sounds a lot like Papa.
His name's Denisov. And Nicholas says he's got moustaches out to here...
he lisps and he's the bravest man in the world.
Nicholas says he's having a perfectly glorious time...
and we're bound to win the war soon.
He's beginning to feel quite sorry for Napoleon.
Charge! Kill 'em!
Come on, men!
Take that!
Come on!
There's no doubt about it. Wars must be very amusing.
- I must put it on my list. - What list?
I'm making a list of the greatest pleasures human beings are capable of...
in the order of their importance.
- I neglected war. - What are the other pleasures...
in the order of their importance?
The opera, eternal friendship, summertime...
dancing the mazurka, moving to the country in the springtime...
and welcoming soldiers home from the war.
- Have you any suggestions? - Well, let me think.
To be able to believe in God...
to cause happiness, to love.
Love? Look at Sonya. She's in love with Nicholas...
and she cries every day between 8:00 and 9:00 in the morning-- a full hour.
- Don't you ever intend to fall in love? - Ten or 1 1 times. Only for recreation.
I'll keep changing partners like a dance.
When I fiinally say I love you to a man and really mean it...
it'll be like a defeated general who's lost all his troops...
surrendering and handing his sword to his enemy.
You'll change.
The hideous thing about being young is everybody is always telling you...
you'll change.
Are you dining with us tonight?
I'm afraid I can't. I have a previous engagement.
Oh? With whom?
My cousin, Princess Helene.
I'd like to be like her when I grow up.
Of course I'll have to fiill out around here.
Tall, proud, beautiful, cold and untouchable...
with regiments of men dropping at my feet.
I'm going to marry her, Natasha.
Gently, gently.
Who's surrendering his sword, you or she?
Be happy, dearest Pierre.
I order you to be supremely happy.
I'll be leaving again directly. Wait.
I have a message for General Kutuzov and I must deliver it immediately.
There's the general's aide. You talk to him, Ensign.
Sir. I've just come from the picket lines.
I have a message and it must be delivered immediately to the commander.
His Excellency is in the middle of a council of war.
- Give it to me. I'll deliver it. - A verbal message.
Deliver it to me now.
My squadron is on picket duty.
This evening we saw the French put out their fiires...
and we heard sounds in their camp.
- The enemy's on the move, sir. - Is that all?
Is that all?
I would say that you have seen no action yet, am I right?
Good luck, my friend.
It is quite apparent that the enemy has regrouped his position.
Surely now, Your Excellency should take into consideration...
the fact that we must change the orders for tomorrow.
Or rather for today...
for it is past midnight.
the orders for tomorrow...
cannot now be ordered.
You've heard them...
and we shall all do our duty.
But before the battle...
there is nothing more important...
than to have a good sleep.
Good night.
- Good night, sir. - Good night.
But, sir...
if the French are that far south of Austerlitz--
Tomorrow after the battle...
they will all have a hundred reasons why the plans didn't work.
They'll blame everything but themselves.
How do you think it will go tomorrow?
I think the battle will be lost.
We shall not have lost the war, Andre...
because of this one battle.
There will be peace...
and then a new war.
Men like Napoleon can never stop...
until their own ambition destroys them.
The only important battle is the last.
Good night.
Sir, it looks as if the French have broken our flank.
Captain, the hussars must charge.
-You're wounded. -Wound's not here. There's my wound!
Stop them!
Stop those cowards!
Forward! Forward!
- Forwards, lads. - Forward!
That... is a fiine death.
He's alive.
Have this man attended to and take him to my bivouac like all the others.
Let my doctor examine his wounds.
It's so early in the morning, Pierre.
- It's 1 1 :00. - It's so early.
Since we decided to go to the country in a week, we have a lot of shopping to do.
Oh, Pierre, I'm so tired.
It's all right. I'll go this morning and come back early.
- The morning papers, sir. - Thank you.
Anything amusing in the Gazette?
It's not very amusing. We've lost again.
An armistice is going to be discussed.
Prisoners wounded on both sides will be immediately returned.
In a word-- we're suing for peace.
You sound bitter.
Maybe I am.
What difference does it make if a piece of Poland changes hand...
a new prince is established in Austria?
Oh, it's so boring to worry about things like that.
So, no more war.
- For the time being. - For the time being.
Then the armies will be coming back.
Yes, I suppose so.
Moscow will be very gay and exciting.
Pierre, why don't we stay here and not go to the country?
Not this year, at least. It'll be such a gay season.
I'm not particularly interested in a gay season.
Besides, I have so much work to do down there-- the hospital, the school.
They will die just as well without you in the hospital.
And they'll learn just as many idiotic things without you in the schools.
I promised those people. I can't disappoint them.
Well, I never liked the idea.
Pierre, come here.
Listen. You know what we can do?
You go to the country all by yourself.
Do there what you have to do. Get the house ready and so on.
Then I'll join you in the spring, huh?
The country's so dreary in the winter.
Please don't force it on me, Pierre.
If you must stay, stay, but I'll be lost without you there, Helene.
It will be good for the both of us.
And you will appreciate me so much more when you haven't seen me for some time.
I couldn't appreciate you more, Helene.
If you only knew how many things I have to do.
There's a dozen dresses I have to have made...
and lots of shoes and things--
Why are you looking at me like that?
What does it mean?
Nothing, my dear.
They lost. They were defeated. What are they cheering about?
Because they fought, because they're alive...
because they've come home.
Vaska, I hope nothing's happened.
Gracious heavens. The young count.
- Can it possibly be? - Prokofy. Is everything all right?
The Lord be thanked, yes.
You're back!
It's you!
Oh, dear!
- And you must be-- - Vasili Denisov, your son's friend.
I know. Nicholas wrote to us.
Darling. Welcome.
Isn't it wonderful?
Nicholas, you haven't said hello to Sonya yet.
What's the sense of coming home from a war if that's all you're gonna do?
- Good morning. - Good morning.
Gwishka, my pipe.
Rostov, wake up.
- Why? Is it late? - Late? It's 1 0:00.
- What? - Get up, Nicholas.
Is this your saber or yours?
Take that, you Frenchman!
- Here I come! - At last!
Why did you stay in bed so long? I've been waiting for you to get up.
You're quite a man, aren't you?
I'm awfully glad you're my brother.
I want to know what men are like.
Are you the same as all of them?
Sonya is so young.
You know, Sonya's my dearest friend.
If she loves someone, she does it for life.
And she loves you and me like that.
You remember before you went away?
Well, she told me to forget all that.
She said, ''I will love him always, but let him be free.''
Isn't that lovely and noble?
- Isn't it? - I'll never go back on my word.
We knew you'd say that, but you see, it won't do.
Because if you marry her just because you're bound by a promise...
it'll seem as if you're marrying her because you must.
It wouldn't be right, Nicholas.
We'll talk it over later.
Oh, I'm so glad I have you.
Tell me, are you still true to Pierre now that he's married?
Don't be silly.
- I'll be a dancer. I'll never marry. - What?
- But don't tell anyone. - Oh, no.
Go and get dressed and we'll have breakfast together.
Did you get my letter?
- We met the doctor at the last relay. - She'll be relieved.
- Is he in time? - Let's hope so. We must pray for her.
- She's longed for you. - What a strange fate, Masha, darling.
My darling. God is merciful.
I love you.
I love you all.
I've never done any harm to anyone.
Why must I suffer so?
Andre, please help me.
My boy, you'll have to leave now.
There, there, my dear.
Upon my word, Rostov, if I were to see 50 more operas...
I'd wager I might wind up liking them.
But I do like the intermissions.
I say, Rostov...
that one there.
- Yes? - She's superb.
But wait. Well.
Where's the husband?
He spends most of his time in the country nowadays.
If I were the husband...
I'd come up from the country... fast.
So, listen. So we took the bear to the house of that actress...
and when the police tried to arrest us, we took the most insolent policeman...
tied him on the back of the bear and shoved them both into the river.
tied him on the back of the bear and shoved them both into the river.
What happened to him?
There they were, swimming, both of them, the man and the bear.
Hey, Hercules. Wake up. The party's still young.
Don't be rough with him.
One should always be polite to the husbands of pretty women.
That's right.
Let's drink to the health of beautiful women everywhere.
Yes, to the health of lovely women. Huh, Pierre?
And to their lovers.
Look at this. It's a new song written about General Kutuzov.
- That interests me. - What are you doing?
I said that interests me.
Then allow me to express your regrets and I'm sure your opponent will accept.
What is there to talk about? Is everything ready?
- No apologies. - First, tell me how to use this thing.
It's very simple. You cock it. There's the trigger.
Oh, yes. I know. I just forgot.
No apologies, none whatever.
On the count of three, begin to advance.
two, three.
Get away from here!
It's not over.
To your barrier! Stay where you are!
Cover yourself, you fool!
Well now, the hero. The dashing duelist.
My protector. Thank you so much for defending my honor.
You were told that Dolokhov was my lover and you believed it.
Well, what did you prove?
That you are a fool, but everybody knew that.
Now I will be the laughingstock of all Moscow.
Everyone will say that you were drunk, not knowing what you were doing.
Challenging a man that you were jealous of without cause.
A man that is a better man than you are in every way.
- We had better separate. - Separate?
That's a charming idea. It's a wonderful idea!
It's the best idea you've had in your whole life.
Good. By all means we'll separate, but you will pay for it.
You'll give me a fortune for it.
Get out!
The count is waiting for you upstairs, sir.
- What have you heard? - He'll recover. Dolokhov won't die.
Thank God.
It's only easier to kill good men.
Men like Dolokhov are only good for wars.
In between wars, they ought to be locked up in cages.
I'd like to leave Moscow.
I wanna get away from these people who believe it's normal to kill--
who are scornful of a man if he doesn't kill.
At the banquet, when Dolokhov made the toast...
I looked across at him smiling at me...
I was convinced of the guilt of my wife.
Well, is that a reason to kill?
- Look, my dear fellow-- - Helene was guilty, not Dolokhov.
In his place, I might have done the same thing.
Maybe it's even certain that I'd have done the same thing.
There we were in the snow facing each other with pistols.
You know who's the guilty one? I. Only I.
Pierre, don't be silly.
And you know why? Because I married her without loving her.
I wanted her. I had to have her, so I made myself blind.
I lied when I said to her, ''I love you.''
And because of that...
there's Dolokhov stretched in pain, alive only by the grace of God.
Because of my weakness, my lie. I'm guilty. I must suffer for it.
Pierre, you must stop thinking like this.
It'll become an obsession, and it's not like you.
Look, if you'll agree...
we'll all take a fiine trip to our place in the country.
It'll do us all good, and Nicholas wants to show it to Denisov.
We'll start tonight, and you'll come with us, eh?
Of course you'll come with us. I'll go and tell the family.
Hurry! We'll start for the country tonight.
Why didn't you tell me Pierre was here? Will you go, Pierre?
We must start while the moon is still high.
Of course Pierre will go.
What has happened, Ilya? And what moon are you speaking of?
Is there more than one, my pet?
Oh, how long must we wait for Nicholas?
I'm so happy you made up your mind.
I was just saying, ''One more day and the snow will be gone.''
Thank you.
- Order the troikas. - Immediately, sir.
We're off!
Hurry up, Nicholas. You're delaying the trip to the country.
The country?
You said you wanted to go to the country to show Denisov.
- Come, hurry. - Come, Vaska. You'll like this.
I was just beginning to enjoy Moscow.
Faster, faster!
Faster, Nitka!
{y:i}As we ride in the troika {y:i}you and I
{y:i}Stars are twinkling {y:i}up in the sky
{y:i}Strains of sweet balalaika {y:i}soft and low
{y:i}Sleigh bells {y:i}twinkling across the snow
Whoa, careful!
Come on. It's your turn.
{y:i}Hold me close {y:i}and kiss me, katiusha
{y:i}Let's be happy and gay, hey
Ever since Nicholas joined the army, he's become terribly effiicient.
Hardly seems to be my own son.
- I quite agree with you. -Just a minute.
I believe that's my friend Prince Andre Bolkonsky.
- May I ask him to join us? - Yes, by all means.
Do ask him.
Come on, Natasha.
Greetings. How glad I am to see you.
I didn't know you were still in the country.
The Rostovs invite you to join the hunt.
For the time being, I'm afraid anyone else's society...
would give me more pain than pleasure.
Prince Andre, may I present the Countess Rostova...
and her brother Petya Rostov.
I do hope Pierre has convinced you to come, Prince Andre.
It promises to be one of the very best hunts of the year.
And the huntsman swears he knows where there's a wolf and her cubs.
And the ground's just perfect. We'd be so delighted if you'd--
What I mean is, I do think you would enjoy it.
Perhaps I'll join you later, if I may.
- And stay to dinner? - Possibly.
- But you just said-- - Shall I come now?
- I'm glad you stayed tonight. - So am I.
- Aren't the Rostovs charming? - Charming.
It's wonderful to watch them together.
They're like a special race-- a race of handsome, healthy...
gay, thoughtless animals.
That's the most charming of their characteristics.
- All of them, you think? - All of them.
No, within a year or two, the girl, Natasha, will begin to think.
That will make her even more charming and less of a Rostov.
- You follow me? - I think so.
I think it's bad for you-- it's wrong to stay down here...
year after year, brooding, not seeing anyone...
living the life of a hermit.
Bad? Wrong?
There are only two things in this life that are really wrong.
Remorse and illness.
When I've recovered from the both, I'll go out in the world again.
Remorse? What have you got to be remorseful for?
I was too late.
I let Lise die feeling unloved, uncomforted.
I was too busy on the trail of glory...
to take the time to comfort my wife.
Well, I found glory.
I stopped the retreat of a hundred men for fiive minutes.
I was left for dead on a lost battlefiield in a lost war.
I'll stop being a hermit...
when something happens to make me forget all those things.
Well, I think I'd better go to bed now.
Good night, Pierre.
Thank you again.
Good night, Andre.
Natasha, come to bed. You'll catch cold.
I won't. I can't sleep. What's the use?
After a day like this, it's impossible to sleep.
How can anyone sleep?
Do just come and see what a moon. Look how glorious it is.
Do you think Prince Andre likes us?
- Of course he does. - He's so silent.
He keeps sitting there as though he's passing judgment on us.
I'm a little frightened of him, aren't you?
I'm a little frightened, and yet when I sang after dinner...
I wanted to go up to him and take him by the hand...
look in his eyes and sing just for him.
Poor man. He'd never come here again if I'd done that.
Did you notice he almost never smiles?
While I was singing, I turned and caught him looking at me.
He was smiling then.
And I felt--
But it's almost impossible to describe.
I felt as if someone had given me...
the most enormous, beautiful present.
Come to bed, Natasha. It's terribly late.
Oh, you try to spoil everything.
A night like this, I feel like hugging myself...
and straining tight as possible and flying away.
- Take care! You'll fall out! - All right.
But it is a shame to go in on such a night.
It's as though you can hear wonderful music...
and you just know that the next song or the song after that...
will be the most beautiful thing you've ever heard in your life.
And being pulled away and missing it forever.
All right.
- The expression on my face. - What about it?
- Do I look disdainful? - No.
You're impossible. I'm sure I look disdainful.
What do you want to look disdainful for?
I thought if I looked bored and disdainful...
nobody would notice that this is the fiirst ball I've ever been to.
- How's this? Better? - Oh, that's much better.
- You must promise me one thing. - What's that?
- Not to dance with me... - Not a chance.
no matter if I just stand against the wall for fiive hours...
and nobody comes over and says a word to me.
No matter how much I seem to be appealing to you...
you must absolutely promise me not to ask me to dance.
- Why not? - It will be too humiliating...
for the world to see the only person who asked me to dance...
is my brother... out of pity.
- Promise? - I promise.
What now?
- Is everybody looking at me? - Can't you see for yourself?
Not without changing the expression on my face.
Natasha, you know, there's one awful thing about you.
Tell it to me! Tell me the whole truth.
No girl I'll ever meet will ever be able to amuse me like you do.
Don't talk like that. Now go and leave us to our fate.
Excuse me, my dear. Nicholas, look after your mother.
- You all right, Mother? - Yes, my darling.
{y:i}What a horrible mistake.
{y:i}I shouldn't have come.
{y:i}Nothing is going to happen.
{y:i}The night is going to be one {y:i}horrible, black...
{y:i}degrading zero.
Aw, Count Denilov, come and meet my family.
Madame Maria Peronskaya.
You know my wife. My niece Sonya. And my daughter Natasha.
- How do you do? - May I have the pleasure?
Oh, dear.
Perhaps I shall be more fortunate later on.
Have no fear. I shall try again.
Denilov is our hostess' fiirst cousin.
- Supposed to be worth millions. - Second cousin, dear.
Ah, there's the French ambassador himself.
He looks as if he were a king.
You're rather late, you know. Most of my dances are gone.
{y:i}Why must I keep thinking {y:i}of Prince Andre?
{y:i}Am I so much in love with him...
{y:i}that all others seem ridiculous?
{y:i}We saw so little of each other...
{y:i}and yet I remember every moment.
{y:i}Oh, if only he could have {y:i}brought me here tonight.
{y:i}Why doesn't he like the city?
{y:i}It isn't right for a man {y:i}to shut himself off...
{y:i}for months and months {y:i}as he does.
I am so delighted to see you again.
Will you honor me with this dance?
- Pierre, nice to see you again. - Pierre, my boy.
Will you honor me with this dance?
Don't you just love dances?
Not ordinarily.
This is the fiirst one I've come to in more than two years.
I'm so glad you did come.
I mean, after the night of the hunt...
Mama and Papa said how nice it was that you came to visit...
and they hoped you'd come again.
I hope you tell Mama and Papa that I intend to visit often.
Very often, if they will permit me.
- I certainly shall tell them. - And on moonlit nights...
do you still want to hold yourself tight and fly off to the moon?
How do you know? Where did you hear?
I couldn't help overhearing. My window is just below yours.
What a disaster. You heard everything.
No. You disappeared too soon.
You must think I'm an utter idiot.
No. I don't think you're an idiot.
- I think-- - Permit me, mademoiselle.
May I have the pleasure of this dance?
Thank you.
{y:i}What a joy it is {y:i}to dance with her.
{y:i}Like holding springtime {y:i}in your arms.
{y:i}Like holding a branch of lilac {y:i}or a kitten.
{y:i}Look at her now.
{y:i}If she looks back at me {y:i}and smiles on the next turn...
{y:i}she'll be my wife.
Guide us with thy infiinite wisdom.
Teach us to abide in thy mercy.
And if it be thy will, let this bed be my grave.
Mama, I must talk to you just once more.
Well, well.
It's about Prince Andre, I suppose.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday.
Five days that he hasn't been heard from.
First he comes and sees me every day, morning and evening...
and quite turns my head, then nothing happens and all's fiinished.
Now, let me tell you about myself when I was young.
I had a cousin. A handsome young man.
Yes, really handsome.
I know-- Cyril Nutvich.
But must everything, as in your case, end up in nothing?
Now you're being impulsive, as I used to be.
You must be patient, very patient.
You must wait till a proper proposal has been made to you.
- He'll show up. - The last time he came...
he had it right here on the tip of his tongue, his proposal.
And he seemed so in love.
I'm always a little afraid when I'm in his presence.
What does it mean? Does it mean that it's real love?
- Mama, are you asleep? - No, my pet.
I'm a little frightened myself. Now go.
Oh, it's not fair. I shan't sleep.
Mommy, such a thing has never happened to me before.
Could we ever have thought it when he fiirst came to the country...
that we should meet at the ball?
Well, it must be fate.
Clearly it must be fate if everything led up to this.
Mama, need one be ashamed of his being a widower?
No, darling. Pray to God. Marriages are made in heaven.
Mama, how I love you. I'm so happy.
Little countess, are you asleep?
Yes, dear, I'm asleep. Good night.
Marry. Marry?
As though life were not complicated enough as it is.
And in such a hurry.
You thought you knew what you were doing last time too.
- Do you remember? - This is completely different.
- It's always completely different. - Before I met her...
life was sad...
meaningless, hopeless.
You're over 30. By the time a man's over 30...
life should be sad, meaningless and hopeless.
- Father. - All right, all right!
Let's be reasonable.
- Her family is nothing. - Now, Father--
Nothing compared to the Bolkonskys. Nothing.
Her father is well known as a man who used to chase...
every woman in Moscow and St. Petersburg...
without success.
Now that he's grown older...
he's well known as a man who plays in every card game...
in Moscow and St. Petersburg, equally without success.
They're a happy and delightful family.
That's a success too. Perhaps the greatest success.
But do you think you're being fair to the girl?
You're much older than she.
You have a son to bring up.
Who's going to take the responsibility?
A little chit of a girl?
I beg of you, put it off for just one year...
and go abroad.
There's this peace mission to Prussia.
The czar and the emperor Napoleon.
They'll be signing a treaty there.
I know you wanted to go on the mission.
Now, after one year, if you still have this love...
or obstinacy, passion, whatever you choose to call it, marry her.
That is my last word on the subject.
It's my last word.
{y:i}Is it possible {y:i}that I, Natasha...
{y:i}am to be the wife of this strange, {y:i}dear, clever man...
{y:i}whom even my father looks up to?
{y:i}Can it be true?
{y:i}Can it be true that there can be {y:i}no more playing with life--
{y:i}that now I am grown up, {y:i}that on me now lies...
{y:i}the responsibility {y:i}of my every word and deed?
I have loved you from the fiirst moment I saw you.
- Do you love me? - Yes.
What is it? What's the matter?
I'm so happy.
Did your mother tell you what I explained to her?
There's nothing to explain.
Did she tell you that it can't be for a year?
Forgive me, but you're so young. I want you to be absolutely sure.
I am sure.
One year isn't too terribly long, and you'll be free.
If within that year you fiind that you don't love me...
or if you come to love someone else--
Don't say that. You must never say anything like that again.
Ayear? Am I going to see you, though?
Of course. I have to go to Poland, but I'll be gone only a few months.
Well, can't it be helped? Is there anything that can be done?
It's awful! I'll die waiting a year! It's impossible!
No, I'll do anything. Whatever you say.
Oh, I'm so happy. We have the rest of our lives.
{y:i}At Tilsit, in Prussia, {y:i}on June 1 3, 1 807...
{y:i}Napoleon met with {y:i}Emperor Alexander of Russia...
{y:i}for the purpose of discussing {y:i}a treaty of peace.
{y:i}They can't help liking me.
{y:i}I'm so willing {y:i}to do anything they wish...
{y:i}so ready to be fond of him...
{y:i}for being his father.
- I am Mary Bolkonsky. - Charmed.
- And this is my daughter Natasha. - How do you do?
Good afternoon.
Please excuse my father. He doesn't feel well.
He asked me to welcome you in his name.
- Will you have some tea? - Well, I think that would be--
No, thank you.
No, thank you.
I suppose you've heard from Andre?
Ah, you're the young Countess Rostov.
I didn't know you were paying me the honor of a visit.
You must excuse my costume. I came to speak to my daughter.
Why wasn't I told?
Count Rostov. Oh, yes, I've heard a great deal about you.
A great deal about you.
As the Lord is my witness, nobody told me that they were here.
This house-- utter confusion, chaos.
People coming and going, and you can't fiind anything.
Even the papers in my desk.
You must excuse me.
As you see, I'm not prepared to entertain.
I can't stand Moscow anyhow!
I wouldn't be here except I've no alternative.
I'm forced to be here. You understand, don't you?
Well, I think we'd better leave now, Princess.
Wait. I must talk to you.
Dear Natasha, I want to tell you...
that I'm certain my brother has found happiness.
Princess, I think it is not convenient to speak of that now.
Isn't it wonderful?
Aren't you glad you decided to come instead of sitting home all night?
I don't know. Until Andre comes back...
I can't be glad about anything.
Well, it's only a few weeks. Do you see that tall man over there?
Yes. What about him?
When we passed him, I heard him say to his wife...
''That's the Countess Rostov, the one who's going to marry Bolkonsky.
Lucky man.''
- He said, ''Lucky man?'' - Lucky man.
I must write that to Andre.
He can pass it on to his horrible old father.
- Countess Bezukhov has arrived. - Bezukhov?
One of my favorites. I must call on her.
Countess Bezukhov! You're back in Moscow.
I'm delighted to see you. The city hasn't been the same without you.
I've brought my two girls with me, as you can see.
Magnifiicent woman.
Yes. You can understand how men must fall in love with her.
Dolokhov, see the girl in that box?
Yes. She's lovely, but--
For you? Anatole, she's not exactly your type.
Count Rostov, may I borrow your lovely daughter...
to sit with me through the next act?
Oh, Countess, how charming. Natasha, my dear, come along.
- Isn't it exciting? - Yes.
Enchanting. You mustn't bury her in the country again.
Oh, you're too kind. Natasha, sit down.
Now we can tear all our friends to pieces.
You realize that everyone in the theater is talking about you--
how lovely you are and the brilliant match you've made.
- You know about that? - It's the news of the season.
Prince Andre Bolkonsky?
Why, every woman here tonight is jealous of you at this moment.
Why, Anatole!
May I present my brother? Countess Natasha Rostov.
My brother is the center of fashion in Moscow.
That means that he eats and drinks too much...
and plays for too high stakes.
He also sees the worst and most amusing people.
You simply must get him to tell you all there is to do this season.
- Countess! - Prince, you've been neglecting me.
- I was convinced you were dead. - Dead?
- I was convinced you were dead. - Dead?
When I saw you the fiirst time at the ball--
When was it, six, seven weeks ago?
I thought, ''What a pretty girl.'' That's all I thought.
But tonight-- But you felt it too, hmm?
- I felt-- - When our eyes met?
Don't look guilty. What's there to be ashamed of?
Are you enjoying the opera? It's very good, isn't it?
Oh, is it? I haven't noticed.
I haven't looked at the stage tonight.
I must see you again.
You must come to my sister's house... very soon.
I think--
I think my mother's in the country. I may go up to be with her.
She's enchanting.
Go away, Anatole. You will distract us.
All right.
You'll come.
I'll take this as a pledge.
My brother is very amusing, isn't he?
How lovely she is.
I don't think so... when I look at you.
Natasha, come.
You're enchanting.
From the moment I saw you, I never ceased worshipping you.
I do hope you don't think us too informal, Count.
Oh, Countess!
I'm madly in love with you.
The success was triumphant. The whole theater--
- Papa, we must leave. - My dear, we can't go now.
It was like one big heart, palpitating with emotion.
His Majesty the king was so moved...
that tears were streaming down his face.
My cloak, please.
I can't. You know I can't.
{y:i}"Dearest Natasha...
{y:i}My fate has been sealed-- {y:i}to be loved by you or die.
{y:i}I know your parents {y:i}won't give you to me...
{y:i}for secret reasons {y:i}I will reveal only to you.
{y:i}But if you love me, you need {y:i}only say the word yes...
{y:i}and no human power can hinder us.
{y:i}Anatole. "
You're back.
How was your evening? Did you amuse yourself?
Yes. I made excuses for you.
I was worried about you. How's your headache? Better?
- Sonya, you read that letter. - Yes.
I'm glad you read it. I couldn't keep it from you any longer.
- You know we love one another. - But Anatole Kuragine.
- If only you knew how happy I am. - And Andre?
- You don't know what love is. - Then you are refusing Andre?
You don't understand anything. Don't talk nonsense. Listen.
How is it that you loved a man for so many months, and suddenly--
Why? You've only seen Anatole three times.
I've never loved anyone before. I know it's hard to understand.
I've heard it's happened that way. You must have too.
It's only now I feel such love.
As soon as I saw him, I felt he was my master...
and I his slave, and I couldn't help loving him.
Yes, his slave! Whatever he commands, I must do!
- What can I do, Sonya? - If he loves you...
why doesn't he come honestly to the house, to your father...
ask for your engagement to Andre to be broken off?
- Why all this secrecy? - I don't know. It doesn't matter.
Whatever his reasons, they are good ones.
I told you I have no will. I love him!
Then I won't let it come to that. I shall tell.
Sonya, what do you mean? You wouldn't tell anyone!
Don't torture me! I can't live without him!
Natasha, what are you saying? Think about Father and Nicholas.
I don't love anyone but him.
Go, Sonya.
I don't want to quarrel with you. Go away!
Anatole, where do you mean to take her?
Her family will fiind out about that girl in Poland you had to marry.
- If you're caught, it'll mean jail. - It will be worth it...
even if it is for one month or one week with that girl.
There are some things in life it's impossible not to have.
- The driver you sent for, Prince. - Come here. Have a drink.
- You've got to drive far and fast. - Call Matrevna.
- Tell her to bring the cloak. - We go again, sir?
- Elopement. - Oh, I like a job like that!
Youth, romance, excitement!
There's a priest of a sort waiting for us at Tver.
Run down anyone who tries to stop you.
There is a man for you!
- You want me? - Now, you take this.
Listen to me. I know something about this game.
You fiind the girl shivering and having forgotten everything.
You wrap her up, for the minute she gets into the cold night air...
there will be a stampede back to the house for furs.
Papa awakened, Mama screaming, tears, recriminations...
challenges, etcetera.
Always keep a young girl warm, my boy.
Now, up with the collar!
- Take it. - Yes, sir!
- But my cloak. - I will get another one someday.
- But when? - All take glasses! Yours.
Now, comrade and friend of my youth...
we've had our fling, we've lived and reveled.
Yeah. Now let's... farewell.
- To your health. - To your health.
- How sad it is. - Sure. Let's go.
Anatole! I still think you shouldn't do it.
So do I.
Wag The Dog
Waga seishun ni kuinashi 1946
Wait Until Dark CD1
Wait Until Dark CD2
Waking Ned Devine (1998)
Waking Ned Divine
Waking Up In Reno
Walk On The Moon A 1999
Walk To Remember A
Walk on Water
Walk on the Wild Side
Walking With Beasts BBC Part02 Whale Killer
Walking With Beasts BBC Part03 Land Of Giants
Walking With Beasts BBC Part04 Next Of Kin
Walking With Beasts BBC Part05 Sabre Tooth
Walking With Beasts BBC Part06 Mammoth Journey
Walking and Talking 1996
Walking tall (2004)
Walking with Dinosaurs
Wall Street
Wall The
Wanted 2003
WarGames (1983) CD1
WarGames (1983) CD2
War CD1
War CD2
War Game The
War Game The (author commentary)
War Hunt 1962
War Is Over The (Alain Resnais 1966)
War Lover The 1962
War Zone The
War and Peace CD1
War and Peace CD2
War of the Roses The
War of the Worlds The
War of the Worlds The (1953)
Warm Water Under a Red Bridge (Shohei Imamura 2001) CD1
Warm Water Under a Red Bridge (Shohei Imamura 2001) CD2
Warriors Of Heaven And Earth 2003 CD1
Warriors Of Heaven And Earth 2003 CD2
Warriors Of Heaven And Earth CD1
Warriors Of Heaven And Earth CD2
Warriors The
Wasabi 2001
Wash The
Washington Heights (2002)
Watcher The
Water Drops on Burning Rock
Waterboy The
Waterboys 2001
Waterloo 1970 CD1
Waterloo 1970 CD2
Waters Edge
Watership Down
Way We Were The
Way of the Gun The
Waynes World
Waynes World 1992
Waynes World 2
We Are No Angels 1989
We Dont Live Here Anymore
We Were Soldiers
Weapon of War CD1
Weapon of War CD2
Wedding Planner The
Wedding Singer The
Wedlock 1991
Weekend Godard 1967
Weekend at Bernies II
Weight of Water The
Weird Science CD1
Weird Science CD2
Welcome Back Mr McDonald 1997
Welcome To Mooseport
Welcome to Collinwood (2002)
Welcome to Sarajevo
Welcome to the Dollhouse
Wes Cravens New Nightmare
West Side Story CD1
West Side Story CD2
West Wing The
Westworld (1973)
Whale Rider
Whale Rider 2002
Whales Of August The 1987
Whasango CD1
Whasango CD2
What About Bob (1991)
What Dreams May Come CD1 1998
What Dreams May Come CD2 1998
What Fault Is It Of Ours 2003 CD1
What Fault Is It Of Ours 2003 CD2
What Lies Beneath CD1
What Lies Beneath CD2
What Planet Are You From
What Price Glory
What Women Want
What Women Want CD1
What Women Want CD2
What a Girl Wants
What a Way to Go 1964
Whatever Happened to Baby Jane 1962
Whatever It Takes
Whats Eating Gilbert Grapewegg CD1
Whats Eating Gilbert Grapewegg CD2
Whats Love Got To Do With It 1993
Whats New Pussycat
Whats The Worst That Could Happen
Whats Up Doc
Wheels on Meals
When A Man Loves A Woman 1994 CD1
When A Man Loves A Woman 1994 CD2
When Harry Met Sally
When I Turned Nine 2004 CD1
When I Turned Nine 2004 CD2
When Ruoma Was Seventeen 2002
When The Last Sword Is Drawn 2003 CD1
When The Last Sword Is Drawn 2003 CD2
When Will I Be Loved 2004
When the Rain Lifts 1999
When the Sky Falls
When we were kings
Where Angels Go Trouble Follows (James Neilson 1968)
Where Eagles Dare CD1
Where Eagles Dare CD2
Where The Heart Is
Where the Red Fern Grows 2003
Where the Sidewalk Ends
Whirlpool 1949
Whisper of the Heart
White Chicks
White Dragon
White Fang - To the Rescue
White Man Cant Jump CD1
White Man Cant Jump CD2
White Palace
White Sheik The
White Sun Of The Desert 1970
White Valentine - 25fps - 1999
White Valentine 1999
Who Are You 2002 CD1
Who Are You 2002 CD2
Who Is Cletis Tout
Who framed Roger Rabbit (1988)
Whole Nine Yards The
Whole ten yards The
Whos Afraid of Virginia Woolf CD1
Whos Afraid of Virginia Woolf CD2
Whos Harry Crumb
Whos That Knocking at My Door
Whos Your Daddy
Wicked - 29,970fps 1998
Wicked 1998
Wicked 1998 29,970fps
Wicked City - 1973
Wicked City 1973
Wicker Park CD1
Wicker Park CD2
Wild Bunch The
Wild Bunch The - Restored Directors Cut
Wild One The
Wind Carpet The (Kamal Tabrizi 2003)
Wind Will Carry Us The CD1
Wind Will Carry Us The CD2
Wings of Desire CD1
Wings of Desire CD2
Wizard Of Darkness
Wizard of Oz The CD1
Wizard of Oz The CD2
Women from Mars
Women in Black The
World Is Not Enough The
Worst of Ed Wood Boxed Set The