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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

War Lover The 1962

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Beat you to it, Sully.
- Got an alarm clock, lieutenant? - Up here.
Capt. Rickson could use an alarm clock.
Or dynamite, maybe.
Up, captain! Grab your socks.
- You blast him out. I got work. - I'll try.
Briefing's at 0500. You got 20 minutes for breakfast.
Come on, sir. Time to get up.
Briefing's at 0500. You got 20 minutes for breakfast.
All right?
Buzz, come on. Rise and shine.
Let go of that pillow!
That's my down-girl pillow.
You tell a girl, "Go ahead. No, no, honey, not with your hands."
The minute she lays her head down on that pillow...
- What time did you get in last night? - Two, 3.
I don't remember. But it was worth it.
I think.
Remember when we could get up when we pleased?
A hot breakfast waiting for us.
Not have to go out before daylight.
Get shot at by a lot of guys we don't know...
...and don't like their job any better than we do.
The only trouble with this war is, it begins too early in the morning.
- Bolland, you're out of clean socks. - My apologies.
You need a personal maid.
If they didn't fence off those WAFs, I'd have me one.
Save me flushing them out of the woods every night.
Not supposed to fraternise with the natives.
It's against rules and regulations.
Rules are for sergeants.
Come on, Buzz, will you?
- What's the hurry? - We'll miss breakfast.
Bolland, sometimes I worry about your love life.
Well, don't bother.
Remember, you're not in a monastery. You're in the Air Force.
Thanks for reminding me.
Hey, come on, Buzz. Will you hurry up?
Know what else you're gonna have to learn before you're a good pilot?
How to relax.
- Hi, Marty. - Greetings.
Morning, Lynch. How's your dog?
How's Superman this morning?
Try and keep us on course for a change, huh?
- There's a dance tonight. - I'll have to call my girl.
- Where is she? - Boston. Getting home from a dance.
- Where do you bet they send us today? - Riviera for water sports.
Or Palm Springs to get a suntan.
Today's target, gentlemen, Kiel.
As you can see, a short run across the North Sea.
Kiel is important because of enemy submarine pens.
Here they are, in this inlet just south of the harbour.
Hitting these pens will protect our supply lines for Operation Torch in North Africa.
As group commander, Col. Emmet will be in the lead ship of the lead squadron.
You will take your instructions from him. Colonel.
Capt. Rickson will lead the low squadron.
Capt. Woodman, the high.
Most of the flying will be over water.
Don't get your hopes up that this will be a nice milk run.
Reconnaissance reports a flak corridor running through the target area.
And fighter attacks can be expected. Stay together.
Keep your formations tight and drop your bombs when I do.
And remember, no broken field running.
This is a team effort.
Navigators and bombardiers will remain for navigation briefing.
That's all, gentlemen.
Max, get the flak area. Come on, Bolland.
- What's the hurry? - The Body's waiting.
Well, figure it out for yourself.
- This is our seventh mission, right? - Yeah.
We average three a week for the next six weeks. That's 18, right?
- Well, 18 and seven is 25, right? - Right.
We should be home in time for the World Series.
- Farr, that's crazy figuring. - How come?
Do you know the chances of all of us coming through 25 missions alive?
- I mean, mathematically. - Don't tell us. I hate math.
Hey, Prien, that medicine's rotgut.
Why don't you take that belly of yours and have it operated on?
My stomach was all right back home.
Why didn't you leave it there instead of sticking us with it?
Hey, no one in the whole 8th Air Force drives a car like Buzz.
It looks like a woman's sewing circle. How's your stomach, Prien?
Okay, captain. Any chance of an abort?
Mother Chicken is reading the tea leaves. Bolland, check the cockpit.
- Max, check your bomb load. - Right.
- What's all this? - Overflow. Preflight okay, sir.
- Engine? - All checked out.
I was losing manifold pressure on number three. Check the blower?
You got a brand-new supercharger.
Oxygen system's okay. Full load, 450 pounds pressure.
- Gas? - Tank's filled up to 2800 gallons.
Oil, all okay.
- What are we carrying, Max? - Big stuff. Eight 1000-pounders.
Rickson will be pleased. He's got his heart set on blowing up the Continent.
Hey, sir, captain?
Okay, Blackie.
Like me to stay behind, look after the house?
You wanna live, don't you, Junior?
Yeah. Yeah, that's the general idea.
Well, I'll see what I can do about it.
Number two.
Hit it.
Number one.
Number three.
Number four.
- Clear for tak eoff, colonel: - Roger.
Roger. Rolling.
- Max, we all clear down there? - Yeah, fine.
Speed up, Zebra 3: Clear for tak eoff:
Zebra 3. Roger.
Gear up.
First time I went up on a plane, I was 17. It was a dawn like this.
Dawns are for copilots, Bolland.
To all positions, all positions. Test-fire guns.
Test-fire guns:
There's something to look at, Bolland. There's something to look at.
Save your ammo.
Save your ammo: And look, let's see a few hits today for a change, huh?
Number two. Tighten it up.
Stay in close:
Number three, stay in close. You're all by yourself out there.
Yes, sir. Joining the party.
We're at 11,000.
On oxygen, everybody. On oxygen.
Prien, check in.
- Snap into it, Prien: - Okay, captain. Ready to check.
- Lamb? - Check.
- Handown? - Okay, mine's on.
- Right. - Brindt speaking. On oxygen.
- Farr speaking. Me too. - Brag's okay.
- Junior? - It's not working.
It's a wonder you can get your pants on by yourself, Junior: Farr, fix his mask:
Sure, captain.
- Lynch, where are we? - We're over the North Sea:
Over the North Sea. Could you be more specific?
Just follow the lead ship:
I don't want advice, Lynch. I want our position now.
We're approaching the coast, colonel. What do you think?
- Looks like solid cloud cover. Chong? - Yes, sir?
- What are the chances? - Not very good, sir.
We've lost contact. Probably close to the IP, but I can't be sure.
I'll get a report on the alternate targets.
This is Fat Gal Red. This is Fat Gal Red.
Requesting operations report. Zenith eight and nine.
Come in, Operations.
Zenith eight and nine, last report unfav ourable:
- All the targets are covered. - Those weather guys missed it today.
Wanna try a chance shot through the cloud cover?
No other military targets in this area. We'll have to abort.
This is Fat Gal Red to all padlocks.
Solid cloud cover over all targets: Mission aborted: Follow me:
We're taking a 180-degree turn to the right:
Repeat, 180-degree turn to the right:
On signal, bombs will be dropped in the sea:
Not my bombs.
- What about the solid cloud cover? - We're going under it.
- What about Emmet? - I'll handle Emmet.
Let's worry about the target, Bolland.
Max, I'm taking you down for a closer look:
Stay on the nose gun until we get to the IP: Got it?
And listen, I want as much speed as I can get.
Keep the bomb bays closed until the last minute.
Sure, captain:
Attention, crew. Attention, all crew. We're going in low. We're going in low.
Bragliani, Farr, we're in the front now: Keep your eyes open:
That goes for you too, Junior: Stay on your toes:
I'm sorry, captain. I can't get on my toes. There's not room enough.
Careful, Junior, or I'll stop your allowance:
Lynch, as soon as we get visibility, set our course for the IP.
- What altitude do you figure on? - About 9000.
Isn't that pretty low for bombing? We'll be expected to...
Listen, Lynch, you navigate. Let me do the flying.
Prien, they all tightened up back there?
Yes, sir:
Here we go.
Altitude, 8500. That was a pretty good guess.
- Warm up the automatic pilot. - Right.
Lynch, have you picked up the target course?
Hold her steady on 038 degrees.
Right, 038 degrees.
Look what we've got here.
- You ready, Max? - Hand her over.
She's all yours.
There's your submarine pens.
Bomb doors open:
Get them dead centre: Dead centre, Max:
Dead centre.
Bombs away!
Giving her back to you, Buzz.
I got it.
What about that? The squareheads can't even shoot straight.
What were you saying?
That was pretty good.
Goodness has nothing to do with it.
Bandits, three 190s at two o'clock.
Handown, Bragliani, they're coming in on your side.
Max, stay in the nose gun, understand?
- Bandit, three o'clock level. - Max, coming in, 11 o'clock high.
Junior, Prien, get him when he passes underneath.
Everybody all right?
Just fine, lieutenant.
- The krauts never got in range. - That's all right with me.
They must have hit Braddock. His number-one engine's smoking.
He's trying to blow out the fire.
Why didn't he stay close to me?
Hey, what was all that junk that went past us?
I knew you couldn't get out of these crates.
Now you listen to me. That's not gonna happen to us...
...not while I'm flying this bucket.
Lieutenant, would you please come down here?
I'll be right there.
- Buzz, lose altitude: Prien's sick: - Sick, or scared?
What's the difference? Get us down.
Yes, sir.
All right, everybody. Snap out of it.
You're all still alive:
- Or are you? - My heart's still beating, captain.
That's a good sign, Handown:
All right, take over.
Yes, sir, we fell behind on the turn.
Yes, sir, we fell behind on the turn.
I used maximum power and pulled up with the group.
- After you dropped your bombs. - Yes, sir.
- What did you drop them on? - The target, sir.
The target? With solid cloud cover? Come on, Rickson.
We found a hole. We had about six-tenths visibility.
- At what altitude? - About 9000.
Eight thousand five hundred, sir.
- How's your hearing, Rickson? - Very good, sir.
In fact, all your reactions are good, aren't they?
You're about the hottest pilot in the whole group.
Yes, sir. I guess I am.
Except for one thing. You're insubordinate and irresponsible.
- Me? - You heard my order...
...for the 180-degree turn, and you deliberately abandoned formation.
It wasn't deliberate. We ran into a little bit of heavy haze, and I lost contact.
And then you happened to find yourself over the target.
It says in regulations if a target of opportunity...
Don't tell me what it says in regulations. This target didn't present itself.
You defied mission orders. You went after it.
You went over a heavy flak corridor at too low altitude...
...and risked every man in your squadron.
I risk their lives every time I take them off the ground.
Don't I, sir?
Anyway, we got through this one all right. No one was hurt.
Except Braddock.
That was later, sir, and it wasn't flak.
I'm sending Reconnaissance over to photograph the submarine pens in Kiel.
And I think it'll show that we clobbered them, sir.
It had better.
You may go.
One moment, Rickson.
Your navigator's Lt. Lynch, I believe.
When you were lost in the haze, why didn't he give you your bearings?
I guess you'd better ask him, sir.
You were gonna say something, lieutenant?
No, sir.
That's all.
So I said to him, "Let's go to London next leave."
I've done my dancing. How about a little food?
Very good, Bolland. Very, very good.
Excuse me.
Could you direct me to the Eighth Avenue subway?
My name is Rickson.
What's yours?
Daphne Caldwell.
Daphne Caldwell, Lt. Bolland.
- How do you do? - Hello.
Bolland, you get the table. I'll get the booze.
- Do you come from around here? - No. I work in Cambridge.
- Hush-hush? - Yes. A defence project.
- Would you like a cigarette? - No, thank you. I don't smoke.
I'm a tourist.
Booked for 25 first-class missions. Today was my seventh.
You're upset about something, aren't you?
I was watching you when you came in.
I had a date with a man named Pitt.
I've just been told he was on a mission, didn't come back.
I'm sorry.
- There you go, Daphne. - Thank you.
I never argue with luck...
...but what is a beautiful girl like you doing running around by herself?
- My date didn't show up. - He must be out of his mind.
Tell me, how do you like England?
The weather or the women?
- The weather. - I think it's beautiful.
- Hi. Mind if I hijack the lady? - Yes, I mind.
Thank you. I'm not dancing tonight.
Some other time, maybe.
You really didn't answer my question.
About England? I'm having the time of my life.
There's only two things that mean anything to me: Flying and women.
- In that order? - In any order, or both together.
So you're enjoying the war?
- I like my work. - Work?
Lady, I belong to the most destructive group of men the world's ever known.
That's my work.
Hey, Buzz, look what Reconnaissance just slipped me.
Wait till Mother Chicken sees this. We clobbered them!
One, two, three, four, five, 10 direct hits on the submarine pens at Kiel.
Those Germans ain't never coming up for air.
Come on, fellas, come on. We got them.
Come on, get up. Get a bottle!
- Okay, come on, Buzz! - Come on, Woodman!
You're all mine.
- Steady, John! Give me a bottle. - Throw me a bottle. That's it.
Will you please take me to the bus? There's one leaving at 12.
I'll be glad to.
I'd like to see you again.
I'm free Saturday afternoon if you'd like to come to Cambridge.
I can't think of anything I'd like better.
Good night.
Hey, Daphne!
Daphne! I don't know where you live.
- Hey, why'd you miss interrogation? - I've got to get the bus to Cambridge.
I've got a date. If I can find her.
With the English girl? Well, what do you know?
I'm telling you, Bolland, she was giving me the eye.
- You got the eyes crossed. - Don't worry. She's not my type.
- Too intellectual. - Mail call.
I got it.
For you, Bolland.
Know what I'm gonna have to do?
Write me a letter and have 25 copies sent to all my girls in the States.
I could get knocked off over here, and nobody'd ever know.
When were you home last?
Home? You tell me where it is, Bolland. I'll tell you how long ago it was.
It's from Daphne. She can meet me at the quad of the King's College.
You two ought to have a ball in that library with all those books.
Maybe I won't see you until tomorrow.
Sonny's growing up. Staying overnight, huh?
Maybe. If the library stays open.
So long, Buzz.
- Hello. - Hello.
- Are you enjoying the madrigals? - Is that what they are?
- Sixteenth-century pop tunes. - You English are wonderful.
Half the world is blowing up, and you go on singing music 400 years old.
You must think we're in a groove.
- Would you like to walk down to the river? - You're the guide.
It's so wonderfully old.
Maybe Shakespeare and Ben Jonson stood on this very bridge.
You're very American.
- Why? - Well, romantic.
I like things that last.
Things last longer than people.
I wrote to Pitt's parents today.
Were you in love with him?
No. I didn't know him very well.
But he was a very nice man.
He was on Braddock's plane. We saw it go down.
Your pilot, what's his name, Rickson?
Buzz, yeah. Buzz Rickson.
Is he really that good? They were making such a fuss over him.
- The best. - Is he?
Yes. You see, well, I fly by the book...
...but Buzz flies like he's a part of the plane.
Whenever we get into trouble, he knows what to do without even thinking.
He's sort of your hero, isn't he?
I get sore at him once in a while. We all do.
But we wouldn't trade him for any other pilot.
I hope his luck holds out. And yours.
Right now, my luck's doing fine.
It's started to rain again. Shall we go somewhere until it stops?
- What about your lab? - No, we can't. It's against the rules.
But we could wait in the library.
No, not the library. It's just something that Buzz said.
Hey, Buzz, are you ready?
Get it over with, will you, captain?
Keep your pants on. You're getting paid.
Not by the hour.
Ten bob if I miss. A quid if you get hit, right?
- Don't even mention it. - I never miss. Except once. I was drunk.
- What happened? - We sent the quid to his mother...
...and gave the guy a decent burial.
That is true. He'll get it. He's better than Davy Crockett.
- Now we'll do it with just the egg. - Nothing do...
Come here, Junior.
Gee, thanks, Buzz. Come on, I'll buy you boys a drink, eh?
I'd like you to meet a friend of mine. Junior?
This is Junior Sailen. He's the pilot of our fortress.
Hey, no, Buzz, not her.
What, this little chappie?
It's one of the smaller fortresses. We've got them in all sizes.
Hey, come on over and meet Junior's new girl.
- New girl? I haven't got a new girl. - You've been holding out on us, Junior.
- What's your name? - Hazel.
That's a very nice name. It fits you like a glove.
You're pulling my leg. You Yanks are all alike.
Real modest too.
Hazel, did you ever think of going on a stage?
Definitely the home type, Junior. You picked yourself a winner.
- Excuse me, I got work to do. - Don't run out on your boyfriend now.
- Come on, Junior, get on the ball. - Come on, Junior!
- I'm not a boy... - Come on!
Let her go!
Since when did you start giving orders, Lynch?
I'm not giving orders. We're guests here.
And it would be nice if we started acting like guests.
Look, sonny, you don't know east from west.
Why don't you get out of here and see if you can find your way home?
- It's an air raid. - Well, come on, then.
- And leave the Yanks with the whiskey? - They don't want to get killed either.
That's the Jerries, boys. They're coming back again.
- There's a shelter down the road. - Come on, Alf. Down the cellar.
Come on, Alf!
You coming, Buzz?
The hell with it.
Come on, Brindt, free liquor.
You know where I had my first drink, Max?
When I was 13 and on the road.
One night, I got terribly hungry. I went up to a farmhouse to get something to eat.
This woman invited me in.
She wasn't bad-looking either...
...except she was old enough to be my mother.
She kept me there 72 hours.
Man, did I learn a thing or two.
The boy who came to dinner.
Buzz, we can get killed in this trap!
That's how I got my schooling, Max. The hard way.
Not like Bolland and Lynch.
All they know about life... what comes out of books.
Listen, you, when you've made a bomb big enough to kill Rickson...
...come back and blow up the world!
They're bombing quite a way off now.
All right?
I'll never get used to air raids.
You've gone through some bad ones in London, haven't you?
My father was killed in one.
He left the house one morning, and that's the last we ever saw of him.
You must hate the Germans.
I hate war and everything about it...
...unlike your friend, Capt. Rickson.
I had a feeling that night at the dance that you were running away from Buzz.
Perhaps I was.
Most women find him attractive.
He is, in a dangerous sort of way.
Why do we always end up talking about Buzz?
You started it.
That's right, I did.
I was in love with a man like him once.
At least, I thought it was love till I found out what he was like.
Don't look at me like that. You must have had a girl back in the States.
I wasn't exactly in love with her.
Our parents were friends. We grew up together.
We don't write anymore. She's probably going out with somebody else.
Like you.
I even like to say that name.
Today on the mission, I kept saying it over and over. Daphne.
That's the only air raid I've ever enjoyed.
Good night.
I don't want to go back.
You don't have to.
What about your landlady?
Not very grand, is it?
You'd never make a good thief.
I don't suppose you're very hungry after that dinner...
...but if you'd like a cup of tea, it's no trouble for me to make.
Don't you think it's time you told me your first name?
Ed. Most people call me Bo.
Bo. I like that. Bo.
Yes, I know.
Come on in, Zebra 1. All clear for landing.
Roger. Zebra 1, clear for landing.
You look like you swallowed those leaflets.
Emmet's stuck in my throat. Leaflets! I'm here to drop bombs, not paper.
What's the difference? We chalked up another mission.
Not quite.
Not quite.
Are you out of your mind?
Have Capt. Rickson report to Operations right after interrogation.
No, wait. Send for his copilot instead, Lt. Bolland.
And ask the flight surgeon to be present.
Yes, sir:
I suppose if the window had been open, Rickson would've flown you into the room.
- Well, I think he was a little upset, sir. - Upset?
Well, you see, Capt. Rickson didn't like the idea...
...of having to drop propaganda leaflets on his mission instead of bombs.
You mean his little stunt was a reprisal...
...for having to carry out an order of which he disapproved?
I wouldn't exactly say that, sir.
What's your opinion of Capt. Rickson's qualifications as a pilot?
The crew feels safe with him, colonel.
He's a great pilot. He's pulled us out of some tight spots.
- Are you speaking for the entire crew? - I believe so, sir.
What's your opinion of Lt. Lynch?
I think he's one of the steadiest men in the group. I'd trust him anywhere.
Apparently Capt. Rickson doesn't agree with you.
He feels Lynch is on the verge of a crackup.
- He's asked us to have him grounded. - Rickson said that?
Well, I think he's mistaken, sir.
You see, he and Capt. Rickson aren't on very good terms.
We gathered that.
Lieutenant, we feel you're about ready to command your own plane.
Would you like to be transferred from Rickson's crew...
...while we put you through some training?
- Are you giving me a choice, sir? - Yes.
- I'll stay with my own present crew. - And Capt. Rickson?
Yes, sir.
Well, that's all, lieutenant.
Well, what's your opinion, doc?
I'd be inclined to grant Rickson's request. I know both men quite well.
He and Lynch have never hit it off.
We transfer Lt. Lynch to Capt. Woodman.
Now, what about Rickson?
We never know what stunt he'll pull next.
- Can we afford to have that sort of pilot? - Can we afford not to have him?
What's your opinion, doc?
Rickson's an example of the fine line that separates the hero from the psychopath.
Which side of the line do you place Rickson?
Time will tell. I suppose we're running a risk...
...but then that's the nature of war.
Did you ever try to score with a girl in the air?
No. But I tried it underwater once.
And I nearly drowned.
Louie Baker and I sneaked a plane out one night.
We had two girls. Took them up, put on the automatic pilot and... Whammo!
Six ball in the corner.
Hi, Bo.
Would've liked to have seen Emmet's face when we buzzed his window.
Bet I don't go on any more paper raids. Eh, Bolland?
Emmet's out to nail me. I can fly circles around him, and he knows it.
Why did you tell him that stuff about Lynch?
So that's why they wanted to see you.
Marty's the last guy to crack up, and you know it.
I don't know it. Lynch is an amateur. One amateur can kill nine professionals.
- He's a first-rate guy. - All right, he's a first-rate guy.
- The graveyards are full of them. - You don't like him.
That was just an excuse to get rid of him.
Why don't you and your girlfriend go curl up in a library...
...and let me run the crew, huh?
- Leave Daphne out of this. - I have so far. Maybe I should move in.
- What makes you think you can? - Want me to try?
That's up to you.
- It won't be the same without you, Marty. - You got a stamp on you?
Don't worry about me, Bolland.
I'll miss the rest of you guys, but as for Rickson, good riddance.
- I'd sooner have Woodman. - I don't know.
It's the difference between talent and genius.
- Buzz is cut out for this sort of thing. - So are the Germans, for that matter.
Give Rickson a bomber or a machine gun, and he could be on either side.
Pretty bad cold.
I forgot to wear my second pair of socks on the Frankfurt mission.
- That a new picture of the kids? - Yeah. Mom took it down by the cottage.
- How old are they now? - John's 5 and Margie's 7.
How's it feel to be a married man?
Well, right now, mighty lonely.
I mean, it's a big responsibility, marriage and kids.
Is that bad?
I don't know. I'm just asking.
How's that girl of yours?
- Daphne. - Yeah, Daphne.
I see her whenever I can.
- I don't think he's telling us everything. - Don't jump to any conclusions.
Seven more missions, and I'm on my way home.
See you, Marty. Take it easy. Good luck.
- Where are you going? - We're going out to eat, aren't we?
Are we?
Darling, I know it's not very romantic, but I'm starving.
What shall I wear?
I like you this way.
That guy who was in love with you...
Which one?
Was there more than one?
Well, there's only one now, darling.
The one you said that was like Buzz.
Rusty Miller.
He was killed earlier in the war. He was a paratrooper in North Africa.
Do you like my hair this way?
I like your hair, period.
It's hard to explain my feelings about Buzz and Rusty.
It's almost as if they like fighting more than the things they're fighting for.
You sound like Marty Lynch.
You and Marty are lucky.
You don't like what you do, but you think something good will come out of it.
No, I don't believe all the things they tell us.
All that propaganda and stuff that you read in the magazines.
Keep the world safe for the Reader's Digest:
I know you don't.
But you are on the side of life.
Is that enough?
It's enough for me.
Darling Bo, if we don't eat now, we will die of starvation.
Can you see the name?
The House of Usher.
It's a wonder he's still in the air. Must have been hit by cannon fire.
She's full of holes, and her landing gear's shot away.
Belly landing.
Up front.
Come and see me later.
He'll be buried in the American cemetery at Cambridge tomorrow. You'll get leave.
What about his wife?
She'll get the usual telegram when the machinery grinds a bit.
I think she'd appreciate hearing from you, though.
Take two of these tonight.
- No, thanks, doc. - Sorry, Bo, that's an order.
Sleep is the only antidote we know.
In time, you can even work up an immunity to death.
Does the world ever make you want to throw up?
I consider war a complete negation of rational behaviour.
Marty had a lot to live for, doc.
In that case, he was probably more prepared to die than most of us.
- Is anyone ever ready to die? - No, I guess not.
No healthy person anyway.
I'm sorry. I guess I was using a cliché because I've nothing better to offer.
Bo, don't blame Rickson for this.
Rickson built up an image of himself Lynch didn't buy.
He had to get Lynch out, or his hard shell might have cracked wide open.
- Thanks, doc. - Try and get some sleep.
We'll send the rest of his stuff to his wife.
- Don't know what we'll do with the mutt. - Come on, Sam.
We could teach him to bite sergeants on sight.
Maybe throw in a couple of colonels for good measure, huh?
Put down that dog.
You couldn't wait until he was buried to get your hands on what you wanted.
Somebody's got to take care of the mutt.
Not you. Put him down.
All right. He's down.
And don't touch any of Marty's things.
Bolland, you're behaving like a sucking crybaby.
This is a man's racket we're in. Men get killed flying airplanes in war.
If you hadn't dumped him, he'd still be alive.
Watch yourself, Bolland. You might be the next one I dump.
You think you're pretty tough, don't you?
Yes, I do.
I'll help you pack his things.
How near are we to London, Haverstraw?
About 043 degrees west, due in about 12 minutes if the train stays on the track.
Late again. I'm gonna miss the first act.
Bo, what are you and Daphne doing? I don't mean the intimate details.
We haven't planned anything. Maybe the Paris Club tomorrow night.
It's quite a joint. Full of free French dames. And I mean free.
One of the four freedoms, parson. After all...
...the French are our allies.
Yes. Yes, indeed.
They smell pretty good. Could I...? Could I borrow one of those sandwiches?
Yes, of course.
When I get through with this crummy war...
...I might just quit flying, go into your business.
You mean, take holy orders?
I don't know about taking more orders, but I'd like to sound off... all those sergeants down in the congregation.
I'd sure give them hellfire and brimstone.
Well, I'm gonna go up and talk to the pilot. Engine driver.
They have rules about passengers riding on the engine.
I make my own rules, Max.
Nice talking to you, parson.
All right, men. Straighten up. Straighten up.
Why waste a 48-hour pass fooling around?
Set up a little game of stud poker in London...
...then Junior and I'll have a stake when we go home.
Only you just keep losing.
- Don't be a sucker, Junior. - Don't give him your dough.
I got it already. You don't think I'd let him have it, do you?
It's the same every leave.
We go flat broke and can't afford any dames.
Dames, always dames.
- Junior, you can't put dames in a bank. - That's not where I want to put them.
I think your brain is scrambled, turning upside down in that ball turret.
- Well, the kid's making good sense to me. - Scrambled? Me, scrambled?
Two kills and three probables. And that's not counting the next one.
Got a hot rumour there's a big one coming up on Leipzig.
- Think we're gonna get it? - Haven't you read those posters?
Yeah. "Enemy ears are listening."
Forget it. Have fun in London. And take good care of Junior.
Look, I guess Junior's sort of adopted me, or me him.
I don't know which.
Anyway, that's why I tell him I'm playing poker for a stake.
Me and Junior in business back home. What a laugh.
What am I gonna do, tell him the truth?
That we're both scared?
Playing poker helps me take my mind off it, that's all.
We've all got that problem, haven't we?
Yeah, I guess you're right, lieutenant.
Anyway, there's only two more to go.
Hey, Buzz, cut it out will you?
- We don't want a Turkish bath! - Hey, when did you join the union?
Hey, I knew it. That hat looks good.
- Is this the only newsstand here? - All the latest news.
- No, I'm supposed to meet someone here. - There's three down here and one above.
- Darling, I have a surprise. - What?
I borrowed my aunt's flat for the weekend. We can be alone.
I love your aunt.
Hello, Yank.
You must be on the swing shift.
You're the live one, you are, at this hour of the morning.
- How far's your place from here? - Not more than 3 shillings by taxi.
- Cosy, comfortable, real homelike. - I'll bet. Breakfast too?
Cup of strong tea and a nice bit of toast.
That's for those who behaves themselves and don't throw the furniture around.
- You look the sort. - The sort of what?
- Gentleman's what I mean. - Well, that's where you're wrong.
I'm the sort that throws the furniture around.
I can see I'm wasting me time.
Five pounds. What's that for?
Buy yourself a dress.
And when you look in the mirror, call yourself Daphne.
You Yanks!
- I'd like to set that clock back 48 hours. - So would I, darling.
You don't have to remind me too.
Do me up, darling.
Did you used to come here when you were a kid?
Every Friday night with auntie.
All very formal and proper.
- What would she say if she knew? - Don't even mention it.
Hold still. This is a hard enough job.
You sound just like a husband.
I have an aunt that looks something like her. Aunt Lila.
She has a big house up on Narragansett.
- What did you do there? - Loaf around.
We used to take girls out sailing.
We had a catboat. Dig for clams.
Would I like to have some of those now!
- No fair. You know what that does to me. - Well?
Do you ever wonder about us?
Your tour's nearly finished.
I want to get the war over and done with.
That's as far as I let myself think.
What you're telling me is, you're going back home soon.
Darling, we're together now...
...and it's all been wonderful. Isn't that enough?
Yes, I suppose it is.
Then why are we getting so serious?
I'm sorry, darling. I didn't mean to.
I'll finish dressing and we'll go. No one ever gets serious at the Paris Club.
Tonight, I love everyone:
The Polish, the French, the Norwegians, the Dutch, the Danish.
- How about Americans? - Especially Americans.
Bless them for Lend-Lease and for lending me Bo.
Even if it is a short-term lease.
Could I have another drink, please?
I'll get it. It'll be easier.
- My friend's bringing me one. - Until he comes.
But I'm robbing you.
Tonight, everything belongs to everyone.
To France.
And to our American friends.
- Hello. - Hello.
You know, I had an idea I'd find you here.
- Where's Bolland? - Getting some drinks.
I don't blame him for keeping you to himself.
Has that been too hard on you, captain?
- Well, I never try to steal a friend's girl. - That's very ethical of you.
At least until I get the all clear.
I don't think I follow you.
- Bolland's last mission is coming up. - Yours too, I take it.
- I'm staying here as long as the war lasts. - A patriot.
Nuts! I like it here.
You don't have trouble getting girls, captain. Why me?
Why not? You sure put roses in Bolland's cheeks.
And now you think I'll put roses in yours?
Could be.
- Hi, Buzz. - Hi.
Thank you, darling.
- I thought you'd be painting the town. - We took in a few churches.
- Where's the rest of the gang? - I don't know.
- I like to do my hunting alone. - Hunting?
- Hunting. - Supposing the game won't play?
It will.
You must keep your girls stashed someplace.
Maybe he's saving himself for a great love.
That's what women like to think.
Have you ever been in love, captain?
I'm serious. Have you?
In wartime, you don't fall in love. You make love. You know what I mean?
That's all right for the men. What about the women?
- It's train time. We'd better be moving. - What's the hurry?
- I'm going to take Daphne home. - I can get home by myself.
I'm taking you home.
You two act like you're married already.
I think I want to go home.
I'll get you a cab.
- See you at the train. - Sure.
- Fifty-two Bedford Place. - Right, sir.
What is it, darling? Is something wrong?
I hate endings.
I'm gonna see you on my next leave, won't I?
One day soon there won't be any more leaves. You'll be on your way back home.
We both knew that from the start.
That doesn't make it any easier.
No, please.
You didn't act this way before Buzz appeared.
He has nothing to do with it.
I'm not so sure.
You said there was a side of you Buzz appealed to.
Not the side that I admire.
It was no accident, his coming over tonight.
He figured this was the right time to move in.
Were your intentions so different? Except he was more frank about his.
- You think my feelings are the same? - Be honest, Bo.
All you wanted was a war girl, that's all.
I probably got what I deserved.
- Wait for me. I've got a train to catch. - Right, guv.
Bo, I didn't mean all I said.
You are different from Buzz, different from anyone else in the whole world.
I've no right to blame you. I just made a mistake, that's all.
I shouldn't have fallen in love with you.
Goodbye, Bo.
- King's Cross Station. - Right, guv.
Bloody war.
Aren't you supposed to be on your way back to the base?
Well, there's always another train.
Nice place you've got here.
What I can see of it.
Very, very ni...
- No, thank you. - Do you mind if I do?
You do pretty much as you like anyway.
- Don't you? - Pretty much.
Incidentally, I like you in that outfit.
I also like the way you looked at me at the club tonight.
Well, you were wrong.
- Where's Buzz? - Isn't he here?
No, not yet. Maybe he's driving.
As far as I'm concerned, you're just another American pilot.
Not quite, honey.
What makes you so special?
I'm good. That's what makes me special.
And The Body: : : my body. - Supposing The Body gets hit?
What are we doing, playing games?
Bolland's out, and I'm making my move.
It's as simple as that, is it? Look, captain...
- It is late, and I'd like to go to bed. - So would I.
Please. I want you to go.
You're pretty funny. You send out little messages.
- When I answer them, you start running. - I found you attractive.
- Is that what you want? - No.
But you're getting warm.
I once knew a man like you. Take and give nothing back.
Get wise, Daphne. The world belongs to the takers.
And there's another saying:
"The meek shall inherit the Earth."
Sounds like Lynch.
You hated Lynch, didn't you?
- He saw through you. - I didn't come here to talk about Lynch.
No, you didn't. You came to prove you could take me away from Bo.
I have nothing against Bolland. He just isn't meant for war.
No one could say that about you.
You love to drop bombs, smash cities, kill.
- That's war. - That's why you love it. Why you stay.
That's right. I'm gonna stay until the last bomb's dropped.
And when the war's over, what then? You can't keep the war going forever.
And when it's finished, you'll have no place to go, and I know you're scared.
You can't make love. You're twisted. You can only make hate.
I'm in love with Bo. Do you hear that?
I'm in love with Bo.
We got a mission coming up.
Why did you stay in London?
Had a date I couldn't break.
I hope it was worth it.
You ought to know, Bolland.
- Lf you think I don't know you're lying... - Fifty-two Bedford Place.
Want me to describe the room?
French windows, picture of a dame over the mantelpiece, nice, soft...
You hit pretty good, Bolland.
Keep it up. Someday you'll be in my class.
If anything's happened to Daphne...
...l'll kill you.
What is this? You guys been up all night or something?
Get that light out of my eyes, Sully.
Briefing's at 0400.
As you were.
Carry on with the briefing, major.
Yes, gentlemen, this is it.
The big one. The big L. Leipzig.
Six hundred and seventy-five miles into Germany.
Deeper than any bomber force has gone before.
Leipzig is the enemy's largest synthetic-oil refinery.
I don't have to tell you how important this target is.
Knock out their oil supply, and we destroy the power of the Luftwaffe.
When the day comes for Allied soldiers to invade the continent of Europe...
...we want them to see only friendly planes overhead.
If you are successful in this mission, you may hasten that day...
...and the end of the war.
All right, lieutenant.
This is a detail of the target area.
Once you're over Leipzig, you'll have no trouble recognising it.
You'll ignore this down here on the left.
They're fake. Dummy buildings to throw you off.
Here's the refinery up here on the right.
North of the refinery, you'll see a hospital.
It's a good marker to guide you. But only a marker, not a target.
Lights, please.
Col. Emmet.
I'm not going to minimise the danger of this raid.
This could be the toughest mission the 8th Air Force has flown.
The enemy is getting desperate. They've been unable to break up our formations.
Lately, they've been coming in for head-on attacks.
You can expect them to be doing that today, hitting us with all they've got.
British Spitfires and our P-47 s will cover us as far as Amsterdam.
From there on...
...we're on our own. About six hours over enemy territory.
Now, one word of comfort.
You won't be lonely.
You'll be part of the largest bombing force ever assembled.
One thousand heavy bombers.
Due to the sheer length of this mission, you'll be subject to more interceptions.
There are no less than 80 fields within strike distance of the bomber streams.
So remember, conserve your ammo.
No long bursts. Just short, well-timed and sighted shots.
Navigators and bombardiers will remain for navigation briefing.
The rest of you may go.
And good luck.
- Colonel, can I ask something? - Yeah.
I know it's against regulations, but it's important to me personally.
- What is it? - Permission to put in a call to London.
Full security's on. I couldn't give myself permission to contact anyone off base.
I'm sorry, Bolland.
- Haverstraw, where are we? - Over the Dutch coast, near Amsterdam.
Handown, did Blackie say anything about checking the hydraulic fluid?
- He was supposed to check it. - He didn't say anything.
I forgot to ask him. I meant to ask him.
The pressure was okay this morning. I checked it on the preflight.
It was okay, huh?
- Ball turret to waist gunner: - What's up, Junior?
- Junior, what's itching you down there? - Nothing, sir:
- What do you mean, nothing? - It's between Farr and me, sir:
- Farr, what's going on down there? - Bandits!
About 20. Five o'clock high.
Holy crow, the sky's full of them!
All right, get cracking: Get cracking: Get on those guns:
All right, knock it off: Watch him, he's moving around:
Bragliani, two o'clock: Two o'clock!
- Coming in straight ahead. - Nine o'clock, Farr. Get cracking!
What do you think I'm doing, playing checkers?
- Hey, they got Perkins. - Get on it: They're coming your way:
Captain, drop your right wing. He's sitting on the right wing.
What's the matter? He was easy. You didn't give us a chance.
Want to rest and let me take over for a while?
Don't count me out yet, Bolland.
Somebody's lost his rabbit's foot.
I hope he doesn't need it.
Just north of Kassel, I'd say. About 40 minutes to target.
A rough 40 minutes.
Feather number one. She's hit.
She's hit. Feather number one.
Haverstraw, how close to the IP?
Sixteen minutes. The lead squadron should be over it now.
All right, Max. You ready to take over?
- We're 15 minutes away, sir. - All right: I heard you:
Twelve more from above: Look at those flashes!
The krauts must have cannons or something. They're under the...
Ten of them at six o'clock. Six more at six o'clock!
Three coming in at five o'clock:
Okay, Brag, you got him: Here's four more at six o'clock:
Three coming in at seven o'clock high.
They got Emmet!
You're group commander!
Smok e in the bomb bay!
I'm hit.
- Nothing to worry about. - I can use my other hand.
Take it easy. Let me bandage you first.
How's Bragliani?
He got it on the hand, but he can still shoot.
We're on the IP. Five minutes to target.
- You ready to take over, Max? - Okay. Anytime you say.
All right, Max, she's all yours.
Two minutes.
Heavy flak ahead.
Bomb doors open:
Bombs away!
Okay, Buzz, I'm giving her back to you. Let's go home.
You've got it.
Handown, I have a red light. Check the bomb bay doors.
Bomb bay doors are jammed open. One bomb is still hung up.
What?! Buzz, keep her steady. We got trouble in the bomb bay.
- Try to crank it down by hand. - I'll try, sir:
It won't budge:
- How about the bomb? - It's still with us, and it's live:
All right, Max, see if you can get that fuse out.
Third Bomb Division. Yes, this is Col. Vogt.
That's fine.
All right.
Just got a flash from the lead ship.
Target was hit at 1230 hours exactly.
- The fuse is set. I can't make it. - We'll have to ride with it.
- And land with it. - Here they come again.
- And land with it. - Here they come again.
Four of them at 11 o'clock.
Mama mia, there's no end to them!
Take Junior's place in the turret. That's an order.
Brindt, take Farr's place at the gun.
You all right?
They got Junior.
His leg. I don't think he's gonna make it.
Take over.
How is he?
You want to take her?
We're losing altitude.
Buzz, we're losing altitude, 1800 and dropping.
And number three is cutting out.
Haverstraw, where are we?
About 40 minutes to base at the present speed.
We're losing 50 feet a minute. How does that figure?
- Looks like we'll run a little short of air. - He's right. We can't make it to base.
We'll make it.
Buzz, the brakes are out. There's a bomb in the bomb bay.
We can't ditch in the water. The bomb would go off.
I said, we'll make it.
We're over the channel.
The guys are wondering, if we're gonna jump, oughtn't we call Air-Sea Rescue?
I'm still giving the orders, Haverstraw.
We're under 1500 feet.
If we get to shore, we won't have enough air to clear the cliffs.
I'm gonna bring this crate in.
I'll show them.
You'll show them? That's all you ever think about.
The men on this plane are not gonna give up their lives to make you a hero.
Afraid to die, Bolland?
You're damned right I am.
But you're scared to live.
Make the call, Bolland.
Mayday, mayday, mayday. Calling Air-Sea Rescue.
Calling Air-Sea Rescue. This is Zebra 1. Zebra 1.
Come in, Air-Sea Rescue. Come in.
We hear you, Zebra 1: We hear you: Give position: Give position:
Haverstraw, give our position.
Mayday, mayday, this is Zebra 1. Our position as follows...
Prien's had it. Dump the heavy stuff overboard. Everything that's loose.
- Suppose the krauts hit us now? - Don't even mention it.
About Daphne. She beat me, Bolland.
Beat me right to the ground. Only woman that ever did.
You think the meek are gonna inherit the Earth?
How would I know?
Well, if they do...
...count me out.
There's your boat.
We're under 600. That's figuring it pretty close.
I'll get the others out.
We're over the launch. Jump close together. Brag, you're last.
Remember, we're close to the water. Pull the cord as soon as you're clear.
Buzz, time to jump. Put her on automatic.
Where's your chute?
All right, baby, we're alone now.
We're gonna make it. Do you hear me?
We're gonna make it.
Get me up.
Get me up.
Come on.
Get me up.
He wouldn't get off the plane.
It's what he always wanted.
Darling, I'm so glad you're here.
Subtitles by SDI Media Group
Wag The Dog
Waga seishun ni kuinashi 1946
Wait Until Dark CD1
Wait Until Dark CD2
Waking Ned Devine (1998)
Waking Ned Divine
Waking Up In Reno
Walk On The Moon A 1999
Walk To Remember A
Walk on Water
Walk on the Wild Side
Walking With Beasts BBC Part02 Whale Killer
Walking With Beasts BBC Part03 Land Of Giants
Walking With Beasts BBC Part04 Next Of Kin
Walking With Beasts BBC Part05 Sabre Tooth
Walking With Beasts BBC Part06 Mammoth Journey
Walking and Talking 1996
Walking tall (2004)
Walking with Dinosaurs
Wall Street
Wall The
Wanted 2003
WarGames (1983) CD1
WarGames (1983) CD2
War CD1
War CD2
War Game The
War Game The (author commentary)
War Hunt 1962
War Is Over The (Alain Resnais 1966)
War Lover The 1962
War Zone The
War and Peace CD1
War and Peace CD2
War of the Roses The
War of the Worlds The
War of the Worlds The (1953)
Warm Water Under a Red Bridge (Shohei Imamura 2001) CD1
Warm Water Under a Red Bridge (Shohei Imamura 2001) CD2
Warriors Of Heaven And Earth 2003 CD1
Warriors Of Heaven And Earth 2003 CD2
Warriors Of Heaven And Earth CD1
Warriors Of Heaven And Earth CD2
Warriors The
Wasabi 2001
Wash The
Washington Heights (2002)
Watcher The
Water Drops on Burning Rock
Waterboy The
Waterboys 2001
Waterloo 1970 CD1
Waterloo 1970 CD2
Waters Edge
Watership Down
Way We Were The
Way of the Gun The
Waynes World
Waynes World 1992
Waynes World 2
We Are No Angels 1989
We Dont Live Here Anymore
We Were Soldiers
Weapon of War CD1
Weapon of War CD2
Wedding Planner The
Wedding Singer The
Wedlock 1991
Weekend Godard 1967
Weekend at Bernies II
Weight of Water The
Weird Science CD1
Weird Science CD2
Welcome Back Mr McDonald 1997
Welcome To Mooseport
Welcome to Collinwood (2002)
Welcome to Sarajevo
Welcome to the Dollhouse
Wes Cravens New Nightmare
West Side Story CD1
West Side Story CD2
West Wing The
Westworld (1973)
Whale Rider
Whale Rider 2002
Whales Of August The 1987
Whasango CD1
Whasango CD2
What About Bob (1991)
What Dreams May Come CD1 1998
What Dreams May Come CD2 1998
What Fault Is It Of Ours 2003 CD1
What Fault Is It Of Ours 2003 CD2
What Lies Beneath CD1
What Lies Beneath CD2
What Planet Are You From
What Price Glory
What Women Want
What Women Want CD1
What Women Want CD2
What a Girl Wants
What a Way to Go 1964
Whatever Happened to Baby Jane 1962
Whatever It Takes
Whats Eating Gilbert Grapewegg CD1
Whats Eating Gilbert Grapewegg CD2
Whats Love Got To Do With It 1993
Whats New Pussycat
Whats The Worst That Could Happen
Whats Up Doc
Wheels on Meals
When A Man Loves A Woman 1994 CD1
When A Man Loves A Woman 1994 CD2
When Harry Met Sally
When I Turned Nine 2004 CD1
When I Turned Nine 2004 CD2
When Ruoma Was Seventeen 2002
When The Last Sword Is Drawn 2003 CD1
When The Last Sword Is Drawn 2003 CD2
When Will I Be Loved 2004
When the Rain Lifts 1999
When the Sky Falls
When we were kings
Where Angels Go Trouble Follows (James Neilson 1968)
Where Eagles Dare CD1
Where Eagles Dare CD2
Where The Heart Is
Where the Red Fern Grows 2003
Where the Sidewalk Ends
Whirlpool 1949
Whisper of the Heart
White Chicks
White Dragon
White Fang - To the Rescue
White Man Cant Jump CD1
White Man Cant Jump CD2
White Palace
White Sheik The
White Sun Of The Desert 1970
White Valentine - 25fps - 1999
White Valentine 1999
Who Are You 2002 CD1
Who Are You 2002 CD2
Who Is Cletis Tout
Who framed Roger Rabbit (1988)
Whole Nine Yards The
Whole ten yards The
Whos Afraid of Virginia Woolf CD1
Whos Afraid of Virginia Woolf CD2
Whos Harry Crumb
Whos That Knocking at My Door
Whos Your Daddy
Wicked - 29,970fps 1998
Wicked 1998
Wicked 1998 29,970fps
Wicked City - 1973
Wicked City 1973
Wicker Park CD1
Wicker Park CD2
Wild Bunch The
Wild Bunch The - Restored Directors Cut
Wild One The
Wind Carpet The (Kamal Tabrizi 2003)
Wind Will Carry Us The CD1
Wind Will Carry Us The CD2
Wings of Desire CD1
Wings of Desire CD2
Wizard Of Darkness
Wizard of Oz The CD1
Wizard of Oz The CD2
Women from Mars
Women in Black The
World Is Not Enough The
Worst of Ed Wood Boxed Set The